Thursday, April 2, 2009

Moving Right Along: Another Disturbing TMI Show

Oh dear. Hey, Jackles: Do you suppose your ex's new girlfriends might have issues with you because, I don't know, they're well aware you will BRAYINGLY BLOG/TWEET and/or film every moment/conversation/IM exchange/cuddly photo taken years earlier etc. etc. etc. with their boyfriends, thereby making them seem completely non-existent?

Could THAT be the problem?

It's not like you don't do that frequently with Alex, Michael, and ohhh, how you want to do it to The Eater Guy and his new girlfriend! You know you want to! You're dying to!!! But you can't because you agreed to those past stipulations! And oh how it must burn!



  1. Ok, so if none of ya'll don't want to watch the whole thing, fine.
    But please (!) watch the first five seconds, and focus your eyes on Mary.

  2. ...sorry, that should have been "none of y'all want to watch. . .". And sorry for using 'y'all'.

  3. The really bizarre thing is they rail against the new GFs who don't "allow" their BFs to stay in touch with them, then conclude that they themselves probably shouldn't "allow" their nonexistent boyfriends to stay in touch with their exes.

    These women don't like other women. Or each other, but that is another topic.

  4. Exactly, anon@ 5:00

  5. Julia, I know you will probably never have the self awareness to realize this because you can't come down from your fluffy pink cupcake cloud of delusion for five seconds, but you really come across as a slightly deranged, creepy pathetic ex stalker in this episode.

  6. Julia doesn't get it. The guys aren't letting her meet the ex because they know her MO. She'll befriend them, then ingratiate herself into their lives. That's why her exes keep her away from their new GF's. Mary is just too..I don't's almost like she encourages her men to hang with their exes and then wonders why they get back together.

  7. "My new girlfriend doesn't want me to talk to you anymore. Sorry. Now stay away from me." Sounds like a great excuse to get away from a creepy narcissistic stalker, whether the girlfriend really said so or not.

  8. And many of us remember those restraining orders. Has this woman learned NOTHING?

  9. I bet you 1,000,000,000 that Yoolio is persona non grata because she's Yoolio. She's a special braying case all to her own. That's why her experiences are of no use to most people. The new girlfriend doesn't want Julia Allison seeing her old boyfriend. Any other woman could/would probably be fine.

  10. I think it is something bigger. If I were dating a guy that dated her, I wouldn't want to be reminded of that flaw on a regular basis. I would demand willful blindness.

  11. Is this a tape of the prom planning committee at Ridgemont High?

  12. Details are fuzzy, but it is absolutely true that Julia Allison Baugher once had a restraining order taken out on her by an ex boyfriend.

    Anyone know which boyfriend it was? Was this during the time period she lived in LA or was at Indiana University? Those seem to be two phases of her life she's completely erased from her bio.

  13. It was at Georgetown and it was a campus restraining order, not a police one, I think by her ex-boyfriend's sister. They got in a physical fight.

  14. The receptacle for all "Julia approved" photos:

    This links off her website which is probably where she directs media contacts, conference organizers, etc. It's pretty tame in comparison to her cuckoo lifecast and I could see how people would be duped into believing she's legitimate. Everything on there is very, very tightly controlled and paints her in the most flattering light possible. Thanks to intrepid spies here, we all now know about the scary wizard who pulls the chains behind the smoke and mirrors!

  15. So remember Julia's latest two-second obsession with cleaning?

    She lifted her image from another website without giving credit:


    Go to Julia's blog and type "ex" in the search box. Check out the pages and pages of insane stalker drivel that comes up. That girl in unhinged.

  17. 5:44

    She almost never credits the work of others, and does it all the time with images.

    Also, she never even followed through with the Big Spring Clean giveaway---no prizes given, no videos or emails that she promised to post for her readers....

    God, Julia, it's really bad when no one even wants free decent stuff from you.

  18. From her post:
    To start off April right, I’m doing a little spring cleaning! Specifically, I’m going through my closet of free stuff companies send me unsolicited, which I would love to pass on to you.

    All weekend I’ll be posting items you can win. How? Whichever reader sends in the best video of themselves (posted to YouTube, Vimeo, Viddler, wherever) telling me about either:

    A) something kind you did for someone this week (or something you will do. Don’t lie, though! Your karma will suck.)
    B) something you did that embodies “living differently.” Whatever that means to you is okay by me (but explain why you think it fits.)
    C) something that will make someone happy

    If you’re too shy, you can send me an email telling me about it, too, but a video would be more fun. I’ll post all of the best here!

    For the sake of my inbox sanity, please write SPRING CLEANING: [ITEM YOU WANT] in the subject of the email.

    Oh - bonus points if you live in New York and can come pick it up yourself! :)

    Result: She posted two items, not items ALL WEEKEND, and never posted any videos or emails from anyone wanting her stuff.

    Julia has no fans and, thus, no fan site. She has detractors and those that just can't get enough of her freak show.

  19. You also get two pages of creepy stalker drivel from Julia's blog when you type in the word "Alex." (her ex and stalker target numero uno for a while)

  20. The "Search Alex" feature also provides the added benefit of providing a helpful timeline where you can track Old Julia to New Julia quite easily in a convenient series of photos. Actually watch as her nose morphs from old nose to new nose! Hey... this horizontal scrolling thing is actually pretty useful!

  21. What, you bunnies didn't take the time to make videos in hopes you could snag some of the swag that Julia Allison didn't successfully to return to stores for gift cards?

    I am shocked by this group's lack of initiative.

  22. Reposted to be in the TMI thread:

    Once you break-up with someone and they move on... you should do the same. You weren't friends, you were hang-out buddies who SLEPT TOGETHER. It's a territory issue. It's not hard to understand why a new gf wouldn't want an ex, especially one as loony as JA, hanging with her new man.

    ...Then again... my current man whom I'm planning to marry hung out a couple times with his recent ex, and I was so completely secure in my relationship with him that it didn't matter to me. I knew he loved me, he knew I loved him, so no worries. Perhaps women who aren't feeling secure in their relationship for whatever reason are the only ones who would freak about this kind of stuff. Or... they know how fucking psychotic their man's ex is and knows she'll throw all her cleavage at their man to get his biological interest once more.

    Also... everyone is different. Look at each experience on a case-by-case basis. That's one of the biggest lessons I've learned in life, and one Julia tends to forget as she tries over and over again to lump everything into neat categories.

  23. Christan re: Mary being eager to let her men see their exes... See, it's not her responsibility to put that to an end, you know? If the man was worth keeping, he would never leave their warm bed to go help an ex-girlfriend at 3 a.m. Never. The fault lies with the men who can't keep it in their pants, imho. Mary seems to be really secure, so I understand why she wouldn't have minded.

    (Do I need to say I'm not Mary since I'm defending her? Oh well.)

  24. restraining order was Georgetown U..

  25. No, the restraining order was NYC. It was documented on Gawker. Hold on.

  26. This episode is super insanely crappy, and these girls are SO boring. Their ideas about men, dating and exes are more half-cocked than my 14-year-old sister's.

    And, just think, you can now watch this drivel in the back of your NYC taxi cab. If you can afford to take a cab anymore.

  27. first restraining order was Georgetown she got into fight with new gf of ex on campus..

    her own confession on a blog post long ago


    Guy #1: Man, I don't know what to do! I can't get rid of my crazy ex! We've been broken up for almost a year now and I told her, 'I don't want to see you or speak to you any more,' and she said, 'I'm going to make your life miserable.' Then she had the audacity to send my current girlfriend a message on Facebook saying, 'We need to talk' and asked my current girlfriend to call her. Then, a few weeks later, she shows up at my office. And just this week she send me a text saying, 'I know we're not speaking, but do you want to come out to dinner with me and meet my mom?' What do I do?!
    Guy #2: Oh my god, restraining order?!
    Guy #1: And the sad part is that she has a dating column!
    Guy #2: You mean she is giving other people dating advice?
    Guy #1: Yup. [Overheard In New York]

  29. I think Guy #2 is SUGGESTING Guy #1 get a restraining order.

  30. Not sure if this connects with the restraining order but know that JAB was punched in the face by an ex boyfriend's sister when at Georgetown. Julia had apparently stolen his credit card and run up a huge bill, so Sis gave her a shiner. Julia walked around for a couple of weeks with a black eye, the laughing stock of the university. As usual.

  31. The restraining order was at Georgetown. She posted about it once... I read it recently but don't know if it was something old linked to from here or what.

  32. anon 6:44 thanks for correcting me..yes that is right

  33. I wouldn't touch a man who dated Julia Allison. Zero class.

  34. hold up! a UNIVERSITY placed a restraining order against poofy?

  35. Wow. It's so apparent how much Mary hates Julia and even Meghan a little bit. She's definitely on some "I have my own blog now" high horse. Ugh ugh ugh.

    Also, Lay's potato chips? What the fuck?

  36. OK, I don't want to create a thread jack, but I recently discovered and wondered if anyone else had? The similarities between Gala and who JA wants us to think she is is crazy! Cupcakes! TUTUS! (though julia wears PETTICOATS and not tutus--get it straight!), international jet setter, etc.

    I actually like Gala, but I wonder if Julia is aware of her? If this has been covered in a past post just point me to it.

  37. @ Anon 7:23 Julia once ever referenced Gala. I think there's a huge diff between Gala and Julia though.. Gala isn't trying to be a "professional" in the sense of the word. She's an awesome pink haired chick who is genuinely happy and wants others to be happy as well (hence her blog themes - for a while she had a series about loving yourself :)).

  38. Hehe, from Toolia's old "pal" on Twitter:

    rachelsklar: @juliaallison Please say the Little Mermaid thing was for April Fool's. If not, just know that it's actually "Part of YOUR World." Sheesh.
    about 10 hours ago from web · Reply · View Tweet

    Also, when the heck is Toolia going to announce the lineup change on NS to her audience/investors/public etc? Appearing at a conference promoting NS with Meghan, no Mary and Krystal Burger with no publicity explaining why Mary is not included????

  39. so where is Daddy Botox investor?

  40. @anon 7:38 I don't think Gala is anything like Julia, but I do think Gala is living the life Julia wishes she had. Sadly, Julia is failing at it. I think it has to do with the whole "love your self and happiness will follow" that Gala promotes that is the secret. Really, Julia ain't that happy with her self or her life. Regardless of what she says. I was just wondering if she's trying to emulate Gala's life thinking that will make her happy.

  41. Re: The Gawker Post.

    Gawker featured a number of dating columnists on a semi-regular basis including Tia & Kelly Kreth. That could have been about any one of them.

  42. anon 7:52 there is only one hatd NYC dating columnist..:)

    as much as JA wants to pretend otherwise :)

  43. Rachel Sklar walks among us.

  44. why are these 3 girls/women always single????
    They always talk about dates, but never any boyfriends. (Didn't Rambo have a Richie Sugar Guy for awhile? yachts St. Barts...? )
    And for Julia---- look at yourself and your so-called Start-Up....a bunch of girls giggling at boy-talk?? is that a serious business?
    Stop the insanity! grow up and act like a 20something adult!

  45. I tried to watch this, but stand defeated and must conclude: TMI is my lactose.

  46. For God's sakes. Nonsociety doesn't have "investors"

  47. Gawker loved Tia. They wouldn't post that if it were about her. She worked for Gawker didn't she? My guess is Kelly Kreth. Gawker was never crazy about her.

    Bring back Tia!

  48. Anon 7:23 - I'm a big Gala fan and I've thought the same thing. There are a lot of surface similarities between the two of them, but the difference is that Gala combines the aspirational "OMG-I-want-to-be-like-that" side with actual reader-focused content. Plus, she's actually nice (and I say this as someone who's met them both).

    Julia claims she's into self-improvement/self-help etc, but her website is solely about *her*.

  49. I'm doubting it was KK. She wanted attention from Gawker like no other and really only ever got it through her forced associations with other current (at the moment) Gawker obsessions. She was typically way too active in the comments of any and every post about Julia, and I recall one major article where she wanted a pic up side by side with JA's. It's funny because from her behavior it seemed like the jealousy argument would fly (never understood why that was), but she seems to have probs of her own too. All the same, I just don't think she'd be the 'dating columnist' Gawker would reference in an overheard convo this way because she was never as important to them as JA -- who would of course think this was about her and flip out.

  50. Loooove Gala.. one of my BFs directed me to her site a month or two ago. Julia wishes, but not a chance - ever.

  51. Krystal was a regular tipster. I see she crossed over to the dark side.

  52. These women have such dreary and pedestrian ideas.

  53. Kelly Kreth was a dating columnist for less than two months. Nobody heard of her nor cared who she was despite how hard she tried to get Gawker to make her the poor man's JA. Tia was unknown outside of Gawker. Julia FTW.

  54. Baugher! More, please! Feed me, Seymour!

  55. Ohhh... for serious, baugher?

  56. there is a new baugher up!

  57. My God, Baugher, I love you for so many reasons, but this is close to the top of the list: "Our Lady of Introspection is on a spiral of insanity usually reserved for Courtney Love on a long weekend bender."

  58. The Gawker post is quoting from another blog (Overheard in NY). They probably have no better guesses than you all, but ultimately, they are guesses. Just calm down, wipe the froth from your mouth, and read from the beginning of a sentence to the end of it. I think you'll do much better.

  59. JULIA! YOu're JULia!!11 SHE'S A WITCH!!!!!!11!@#!

  60. One of Julia Allison's very favorite things to say to critics is "Just calm down," or "Oh, calm down." Just saying.

  61. Although "wipe the froth from your mouth, and read from the beginning of a sentence to the end of it? is actually much sharper, funnier writing than I've ever read from Julia Allison. So there's that.

  62. Julia must be pretty awesome. She's the only one who ever thinks to tell people to "calm down." Who else would have ever thought to combine those two words?!?! WHO!?! What other genius????

  63. It drives me NUTS that they solicit reader feedback on the the END of the episode. And what exactly do they plan to do with reader e-mails? They never post them or follow up. Couldn't they solicit opinions on this topic beforehand and SHOCK! HORROR! actually talk about the **readers'*** experiences instead of always offering their own?

  64. Julia is a meaty-armed word genius.

  65. Julia is a meaty-armed word genius who is mighty, mighty fond of the locution, "Just calm down." Hee.

  66. Not that I think Julia Allison would awake while the Denmark sun slumbered far, far below the horizon simply to tell the commenters of this blog to "calm down." Our Lady simply could not be bothered. She must rest for her important meeting in London.

  67. I'm sure Krystal Kahler will bring a little class to the mix ;-)

  68. anon 8:54

    Julia does ask for readers' input on upcoming topics sometimes; I think she did that this last episode, and the galz mentioned like three readers' opinions on the topic. I think that the three have good intentions, but a really incoherent editing process. Maybe swap "incoherent" for "misguided." I'm sure in choosing footage for the final cut, at least one of them would choose to include a half-brained self-realization or the last third of an inside joke over relevant information.

  69. Julia - your exes don't want you to meet their new girlfriends because you're batshit crazy and this would reflect badly upon them - perhaps even to the point of placing those relationships in peril.

    "OMG! I just found out I'm dating a guy who used to date Julia Allison! Quelle dilemma!? "

    They may actually like their present girlfriends and want to keep them. Furthermore - there is just no telling what you would be capable of in that scenario or what kind of fucked up shit would come out of your mouth.

    And even furthermore, why are you dressed like a french maid?

  70. Why do people constanstly angst the fuck out over speculation? It's JUST THAT, try not to take it as seriously as you're jumping on everyone else for supposedly doing, and it might not twist your panties so. For sobbing out loud, already, if you can't cosign just ignore it. Conspiracy theories are bound to happen on a snark-blog about useless people. It's O K A A A A Y.

  71. Hej, hilsener til Danmark! Jeg er lige kommet til at se på Nonsociety udføre på den danske Laugh Factory. De er hillarious, jeg virkelig gerne Julia's web 2.0 tricks at hun blinker os. Jeg ser på ovenstående TMI Men jeg finder det mærkeligt, at Krystal Burger ændret sig så meget. Hvordan TMI var hud, hun så meget smuk! Faktisk er hun måske endda føre det gode i orange, men jeg er ikke sikker på, at vi danskere kun bære sort. Nu selvom hun ligner en transseksuel. Hvad skete der? Er det, hvad der sker, når man opholder sig anderledes?

  72. Indeed 9:39, guys tend to hide those freakazoid exes that might call their judgment into question as far as the current gf is concerned. Guys that are pining over their exes ususally don't have them as part of the equation at all - out of sight, out of mind. The whole maintaining contact/friendship when a guy has a new GF seems like common behavior from some guys who aren't completely even over their exes. Maybe the split was mutual (but less on his end) or she dumped him and hopes he got over it. I don't see any of these things being the reason why her exes (aside from maybe Dan who I gather knew her in high school during her pre-JA days) wouldn't want her around. At the end of the day she simply isn't any kind of trophy piece and I interpreted some of what she was saying not only to dislike/envy for/of the current girlfriends, but her dissatisfaction about her exes not wanting to openly claim her. Like maybe this stems farther than not being introduced to girlfriends, but not owning up to having dated her (unless it's been made public knowledge and therefore undeniable) if they don't have to.

  73. the other day on npr, jason seigel was being interviewed about "i love you, man" and he was talking about exes and their new bf's or gf's and he said something that was 10000x more mature than anything that is in that latest TMI video:

    he said its stupid to get upset about your ex's new catch bc at one time, you liked your ex and thought they had good judgement (they chose you after all) so why in the world would their judgement change suddenly? in all likelihood, the new catch is just as chill as you were.

    of course, this is irrelevant in Julia's case because this assumes all affected parties are sane

  74. You're so right there 9:43. Totally on point.

  75. Twitter's "Garyvee" Vaynerchuk Gets A Book Deal

    "HarperStudio has signed a seven-figure, 10-book deal with Gary Vaynerchuk, a 33-year-old Belarusian-born wine retailer from New Jersey, who, except for a talk show appearance here and there, is basically unknown in mainstream media circles."

    New stalking target in 5. 4. 3. 2...

  76. The overheard post is about her and true. I know who said it and who wrote it.

  77. They're ex's for a reason. Move on with your f-ing life.

  78. Julia and Gary Vee - the sex tape!

  79. I'd put money on the OHINY exchange being a fake. I'd put more money on Julia writing and submitting this herself to OHINY and to Gawker.

    This sounds like a conversation 2 girls would have, not two guys. Unless she dated Oscar Wilde, I can't see any guy using the word "audacity." If the guy knows the other guy well enough to share this story to begin with, then he wouldn't refer to his girlfriend as his "current girlfriend" twice. He'd refer to her by name. Not only that, but none of JA's exes seem so pussified that they'd run to a friend and be all "Oh my god, what do I do???" She had some pretty high powered/wealthy exes. They'd know what to do.

    Guy #1: Man, I don't know what to do! I can't get rid of my crazy ex! We've been broken up for almost a year now and I told her, 'I don't want to see you or speak to you any more,' and she said, 'I'm going to make your life miserable.' Then she had the audacity to send my current girlfriend a message on Facebook saying, 'We need to talk' and asked my current girlfriend to call her. Then, a few weeks later, she shows up at my office. And just this week she send me a text saying, 'I know we're not speaking, but do you want to come out to dinner with me and meet my mom?' What do I do?!
    Guy #2: Oh my god, restraining order?!
    Guy #1: And the sad part is that she has a dating column!
    Guy #2: You mean she is giving other people dating advice?
    Guy #1: Yup. [Overheard In New York]

  80. This site is overusing the word "bray". Please find a new word, you'll be a better, more readable writer for it.

  81. [redacted] "Anon @ 10:11, it's not that she's in starvation mode, but that she's eating too many cupcakes and not enough carrots."

    I'm not saying she's starving herself, just that her body thinks there is a famine because she is not putting anything of nutritional value into her body. Juices provide only a small percentage of total nutrition.

    Julia thinks the "juice fast" is going to undo all her cupcake eating, but what it is actually doing is telling her body there's not enough food, so her body holds on to every bit of energy it can get and stores it, in case things get worse. The Juice Diet is actually making things worse.

    The rippling/dimpling effect we can see in her arms is the unhealthy trans fats and sugars being stored in her body fat. This is also called cellulite.

    She needs to eat more than just carrots and juice to become healthy again. She needs a total diet overhaul.

    -Anon 10.11

  82. Starvation mode sets in when you eat below a certain calorie level. It's not really about nutrients. It's a sheer matter of blood sugar and everything you eat gets turned into blood sugar, vitamins or no.

    However, cupcakes and such have a high glycemic load which will spike Julia's blood sugar, and high blood sugar will also cue the body to start storing fat.

  83. Love how Julia acts like it's her right to retain a friendship with her ex, or else!

    The campus restraining order is covered off here by Toolia herself, twice, like she is proud of being badass or something...
    Rich ex-boyfriend James from New Zealand's sister decked her. Apparently because Toolia stole his credit card and used it, she doesn't cover that part!

    Bonus points for Julia describing her own "strident feminism" - What. Ever.

  84. Anon12:30: Really, how else to describe this:

    Hee-hawing? Donkey-calling? Honking?

    I am open to suggestions.

  85. can someone email julia (one of you who have some sort of 'rapport' with her) and simply ask if Krystal the Bubbly is a new NS contributor?

    This is insane. I mean, what kind of business do they have? They announce only the things they want to forget...

  86. anon 6:03 is me. sorry...been flying all night and its morning in the UK and im sad and drinking beer cuz it's kinda night in NY...and I miss home.

    However, if I was in London this weekend -- oh! I'd hang around like a weirdo and yell shit

    Someone tell Russian Girl that I think I saw some of her family members (old lady in black babushka with daffodils in hand) in Schipol around 7am.

  87. Jacy - ouch, what an assault on the eardrums . Like Fran Drescher sobbing in an echo chamber.

  88. Also, pPerhaps I am just being stuffy but it seems vaguely disrespectful to address the US Presidents wife as Julia does, surely "Mrs Obama" or "Michelle Obama" seems more appropriate rather than just "Michelle":

    "I love, love, LOVE Michelle’s outfit here. God, she looks good."

  89. BunnyBingo, Julia always addresses celebrities and public figures as if she is close friends with them - for example, she called Ryan Seacrest "R" on twitter. It's not only disrespectful when it comes to presidents and first ladies, etc. it's also a bit creepy and stalkerish - just like her ex stalking! Just more evidence of her delusional behavior.

  90. this is the first video I watched almost all the way through and was surprised by all the obvious edits/cuts. makes it even harder to watch.

  91. Bunny Bingo--I'd never seen these entries and am appalled. The sister punched our lady of entitlement when she looked down and saw that Julia was using her brother's credit card--she'd just taken it--and had rung about 5K worth of purchases. What we get here is Julia blaming his family and talking about an alleged drinking problem. All the while going on and on about how much he loves her. Disgusting.

  92. 8:40, yeah the editing is really awkward. if they just planned what they were each going to talk about they wouldn't need to edit so much. but instead they spend most of the time talking over each other.
