Thursday, April 2, 2009

Yulia: Whaaaaa?

Good morning, Denmark! I'm up and at 'em. And no, I didn't lose my luggage, that was my lame idea of an April Fools ... eh ... "joke"?
38 minutes ago from web

I no get Poofy. At. All. Between this and Disney thing, does she have worst sense of humor in history of universe? NOT EVEN MY LITTLE BABY COW ROMOCHKA GET HER JOKES!!!

But because I nice peasant girl, I look on webnets and provide her list of Denmark foods to eat with her sausage fingers (this no Fool of the First Day of April):

. Finker: A mash of liver, heart and kidney from pigs (go well with cupcakes).
. Vandgrod: Barley porridge (go well with cupcakes).
. Kransekage: an almond cake consisting of increasingly smaller and smaller rings stacked one on top of each other (THIS SURE SOUND LIKE CUPCAKE TO ME!!!!!)


  1. Okay, I don't always get the Russian Girl shtick, but this was laugh out loud funny (I never lol).

  2. Sorry if posted before!

    vid of JA and MA farting out of their mouths.

  3. She's just not normal, is she?

  4. So. SO. HAPPY. the bunny Julia has her precious widdle conference costumes all safe and sound. I am drunk on relief and sweet American air. I will sleep soundly now.

    Do not toy with us, o beauteous one.

  5. Do pictures of Julia's ass exist anywhere? I want to see what it is that she's always hiding back there.

  6. That phizzlepop video does not load.

  7. Doesn't Yulia remind you of that crazy bitch Kelly from RHNY?

  8. Yes, 1:23. I thought the same thing. Legend in her own mind, late for everything because she is "so busy," and relying on looks past their prime.

    And utterly beyond redemption or, as they say, introspection.

  9. What a nut job. How is pretending your luggage is lost even remotely funny? Funny to who?

    Julia is an opportunist with no moral compass. She seems to exploit *everybody* she meets.

    And for God's sake, Toolia McPanties please stop the swearing on Twitter - I mean, a casually tossed off "F*ck" in conversation with friends, but endless profanity?

  10. Just to add - this photo shows Toolia jumping up and down on the baggage conveyor belt at the airport. Like actual leaping in the air jumping.
    Um, that could cause it to break? I'm surprised no-one stopped her. But then, no-one stops her.

  11. Of course, Julia's idea of an "April's Fool Joke", typically played on other people, keeps with the theme. IT'S ALL ABOUT HER.

  12. and of course she still misses the point. Forgive me if I'm wrong here as I've never participated, but isn't the object to say something shocking/largely unbelievable and get people to believe it, rather than throw out what looks like (coming from her) yet another desperate plea for attention/sympathy? It's the difference between telling friends out of nowhere, "I'm pregnant. April Fools!" And um, "My dad just passed away" APRIL FOOLS, HAHA... no?

  13. or like a friend of mine who thought the best way of telling us he got into oxford was to say he didn't, was pissed off about it and would travel the world for one year instead. the APRIL FOOLS part didn't go down too well afterwards.

    back to the topic at hand, the worst thing is that she even sucks at self deprecation. sure, the idea was lame, but she even fails at making me believe she really thinks so.

  14. NonSociety sucks. Anyone else notice how it takes for fucking ever to load these days. What a joke.

  15. I hate their site. The site design isn't web 2.0, it's just unusable. Making things more complex doesn't make them innovative. It makes me think they are just trying to distract users from the lack of actual content.

  16. whatever happened to mary's new website?

  17. Gwyneth's Inner AspectApril 2, 2009 at 12:27 PM


    I totally "get" her "sense of humor."

    It's funny because she thought thousands would feel so bad for their poor beloved pet, that they would tweet back things like "oh no!" and "how can we help, bunny?" And then I guess designers would mobilize to replace her wardrobe, and the airline would offer her free flights.

    Then everyone would think it was so cute that she was only "joking"
