Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Julia: Always Linking to The Ass-Kissing Articles, Never The Honest Ones

Is there anything the Pink Lady loves more than a young dumbass who's written an ass-kissing piece about her that has little basis in reality? She linked to this one, a blog post, last night, and it's no coincidence that the poor delusional girl refers to her as a "drop-dead gorgeous brunette" in the post's lead. Nice return to the Blue Steel in the photo, too.

Funny JA has never linked to that piece over there by Mediabistro, huh, that RBNS likes so much? That accurate portrayal of just what a demento she is?

And this Vimeo? JA has offered it up as a Valentine's gift to her fans, but honestly, Barack Obama might want to take a look -- it could be an effective alternative to waterboarding. And my God, Mary's hair, pre-haircut! Not good!

Also: a clever reader points out that you can watch the Nonsociety shit-shows on YouTube without ever having to give the site a page view. Since Question of the Day is as good as dead and they never answer questions posed to them in Advice Box -- smart business management, ladies! -- there's really no need to ever drop by TMI again.


  1. That ass-kissin article was from a while ago, I believe. That girl surely has a new opinion of JA...
    It's just naivite. Poor girl.

  2. Not only can you watch TMI vids on YouTube, but you can leave feedback there without it being capriciously erased. You can also hit them with 1-star ratings.

    That ass-kissy blogger is delusional.

  3. I can't get myself to watch the entire the lip dub video. Makes me cringe.

  4. Well, if I was profiled in a blog called "Butterfly Diary" I'd certainly want my hundreds of thousands of reader to know about it, too. It's a big step up from Wired.

  5. Woah, have these girls no dignity?

  6. Yes, you can leave comments on the YouTube TMI vids, but your views do count for them -- not in the way that that pageviews for NonSociety count, but I'm certain that NNN looks at TMI's YouTube number of views to assess its success. So you're not really screwing them over by watching on YouTube.

  7. ZOMG, click over to the original interview blog post with the Baugher interview. Then, click on the picture of them. It's super high-res and JAB looks awful up close! She does have horrible acne.

  8. To clarify: YouTube pageviews don't count in terms of analytics, but a high number of YouTube views still equals success for TMI, because NNN can use that as a gauge of their popularity (love-to-hate views are all the same to them)and most of NNN's channels/networks are watched primarily on YouTube anyway.

  9. Wow... drastic haircuts and then planning a big "reveal" for page views? These idiots really are getting desperate. They should just pull a Britney and shave their heads - then they might actually get picked up by the mainstream media, something that has eluded them thus far. Although I have full confidence that "Butterfly Diary" is read by literally dozens and dozens.

  10. Who wouldn't have acne after plastering on what looks like pancake makeup all the time?

  11. Julia's pink dress in the TMI Valentine's video is cutting into her armpit fat. I would never mention this if I weren't convinced that Julia thinks she's "really, really good-looking" (said in Zoolander voice).

  12. Well, she's probably exacerbating it with heavy foundation (Julia, Laura Mercier oil-free tinted moisturizer! It's awesome!)but stuff like that can also be hormonal. Her acne looks mild to me, actually looks more like skin irritation from, like Jacy said, heavy "TV" make-up. JA is attractive and would be even more so if she didn't feel the need to go SO heavy with the make-up.

  13. She has a couple of bumps...come on, it happens.
    Perhaps, its why she needs the multilayered foundational applications.

    Anyway, she wears make-up made solely for cameras. All the world is a stage.

  14. Anon 9:21, I left a not so subtle comment over at TMI regarding the Julia's armpit fat and it got posted. Julia Baugher's tight clothes are obviously cutting off circulation to her brain and she can't figure out when people are insulting her. I'll repost here so you don't have to click over there:

    "I am JUST like you Julia. I LOVE to dress up for Valentines Day and get all decked out in pink or red. My very worst V.D. was a couple of years ago. I had a HOT date with an older guy and with the help of my super stylish roommate I picked out this amazing red satin strapless dress to wear. I was getting ready at my apartment and my roommate was home. When I put on my dress and showed her, her jaw dropped. She told me I COULD NOT wear the dress. She said it was way too tight and that I had armpit boob (fat) hanging out the sides and back. I looked in the mirror and she was right ... the dress looked horrible! I was so stupid for not trying it on at the store! I changed into a plain wrap dress and my date picked me up and we had an OK time but we did not end up dating. Lesson learned... don't try to stuff yourself into a "sexy" dress when your body is saying NO!"

  15. Jacqueline, LOL! AHAHAHA.

    Honestly, who is this delusional? I think Julia looks into the mirror and sees herself as she looked 5 years ago. I really do not believe she sees how she has changed.

  16. How exactly has she changed? I think she is quite attractive, maybe not drop-dead gorgeous but she IS pretty.. but yeah, that dress, as cute as it is, was not flattering - I have the same problem which is why I rarely wear anything that is strapless.


  17. Alison,

    You could always sign in as yourself and then add the link to your blog that way. It's kind of bad blogging etiquette to sign your blog posts with your blog URL.

  18. Allison, could you also explain why you like Nonsociety and visit their site/comment so often? No snark - I am really curious to hear from an actual fan.

  19. Ugh that girl Allison... so annoying that one. STOP ADVERTISING YOUR BLOG.
    Keep it on the NS site or something. PLEASE/

  20. JAB is a writer? by what measure?

    No cupcakes were harmed with this post

  21. Anon 10:00:

    You know, when I've looked through JA's blog posts on her old Tumblr, some of them are actually not bad, and sometimes contain genuine insight. It's when she offers all these banal Carrie Bradshaw-isms or, worse yet, *doesn't write anything substantial at all*, that I shake my head.

    She is pretty, well-connected, knows how to get attention and can actually write. If she could just learn some discipline, she might actually have something. NS needs an editor, a mama bear, to freakin' TELL them to work.

  22. Julia Allison may have actually been an interesting writer at some point in the past, and she did get her articles published in national publications. However, she has most recently fallen a victim to making her work all about herself. And she is really NOT interesting, no matter how much she likes to pretend that she is. That is what is creating the negative backlash. She's created this "celebrity" world and attempted to write about it/herself but she comes across as tasty and uninteresting as a stale cupcake.

  23. Julia's batshit fan Allison is now posting here, even leaving her obnoxious web address? I swear this delusional woman must have that damn web address written atop her forehead. If you are ever actually gullible enough to make it over there, you'll find that Julia's stalker's main interests consist of the color pink, cupcakes, Ashlee Simpson, Sylvia Plath, and makeup. In that order. I'm not making any of this up!

  24. I don't think there's a need to attack her. Yeah, read her blog. She's 22. Weren't we all a little....dramatic at 22? Leave her alone.

  25. Whoops, sorry, bad etiquette on my part.

    I started reading JA's blog when I dated someone in the fall who worked (works?) with her at TONY and absolutely despised her. Sometimes her writing is interesting, but I'm beginning to become a little jaded as people who went to school with her email me via my blog and tell me how awful she was.

  26. You will also discover that That Girl Allison is as seriously deluded, jobless, friendless and dateless as That Girl Julia Allison. At least she allows commenting on her blog (where she goes to the same movies and attempts to write like Julia Allison - CREEPY) but unfortunately has ZERO comments on most of her posts.

  27. Now, see? Bet everyone is glad she didn't run an dhide under a rock.

    Oh, dear sweet Alison, dish. Tell us what your friend had to say about JA. Just between us girls, of course :)

  28. JA Videos should be a required form of punishment for all terrorists

  29. Maybe this is just me...but JA pretty much lives what (in college at least) I would've thought is a pretty sweet life. My housemates and I frequently indulged in dance parties/lip dubs/makeovers etc. Granted a lot of this was often fueled by a few too many natty lites...but is it really that demeaning because I recall it being pretty hilarious.

    I know you all are like WHY are you here if you like JA in the least- but I feel it kind of fascinating so many people detest her because really...she is kind of innocuous. Maybe when JA fever hits CNN I'll be concerned, but until then she is essentially living my sorority college girl fantasy. Haha judge me if you will!

  30. Come on, don't be mean. Everyone is welcome here, especially if they can shed some light on Fib-JAB, Patron Saint of Duncan Hines Frosting and Overwrought Cliches.

    Also, I'd like to propose an indefinite moratorium on the word "batshit." Please?

  31. i hate that i just watched that video at dylan's... poor rambin. she has absolutely no style, no sexy moves, and is just plain awful in front of the camera. Mary, don't let JA expose you like that! you're making her look good - and trust me, she knows it. you're the token 'not-intimidating blonde'!! live differently... with a little class... and gain a little more experience to be considered 'discerning'

  32. Em, the problem is that Julia and her minions are pushing 30, not 20. They're not living in a dorm or sorority house, but are supposed to be adults. Adults who don't expect to have everything handed to them just for making atrocious lipdub videos and acting like, well, college kids.

    Hopefully, you and your friends will one day be responsible adults, while not losing your sense of fun, who don't act like assholes with ADHD.

  33. Em, the difference is that she's pushing 30 years old.

  34. So, Julia Allison is admitting that yoga SO exhausts her that she has to go to sleep at midnight instead of 4 a.m.?? Sounds like Jankles has even worse health problems than we ever speculated about. (don't even get me started on her insomnia/cracked out sleep patterns contributing to her horrible health)

    Most typical gym or yoga studio classes aren't exactly the most strenuous workout. Plus, her "healthy" pal Mary would probably tell her that she needs intense cardio if she wants to lose weight - not yoga or trampoline class. Unless Mary is trying to further sabotage her, Calteen Bar/Blueprint-style.

    Um, Julia? Want to know why you feel so bad all the time?
    Horrible sleeping patterns - nothing ages you faster than lack of sleep.
    Loading up on sugary and/or nutritionally void food like popcorn.
    Gaining weight in a short amount of time.
    Skin breakouts/problems from stress and piling on layers of makeup.
    Crash liquid diets that permanently wreck your metabolism and energy levels.
    I could go on...

  35. innocuous, Em?
    You'll be singing a different song, my friend, when she sells secret vimeo technology to a foreign governments and suddenly everyone in Chechnya is posting dubs of themselevs doing Dee Lite's "Groove is the Heart" in some dusty marketplace.
    No, it won't seem so playful then, will it?

  36. Em--

    First off. JAB is not in college any longer. She's pushing 30 and what might be perceived as sorority antics are more akin to what a high school student might conceive of as such.

    Second, having attended university with Julia Baugher, I can assure you that no one--faculty, administration, students--thought that her antics were innocuous or in any fashion "cute." Baugher's sense of entitlement was revolting, even to the most privileged students, and most of us recognized her for the sociopath that she indeed is.

  37. I know you all are like WHY are you here if you like JA in the least- but I feel it kind of fascinating so many people detest her because really...she is kind of innocuous.

    Hi Em. To be honest, I don't think anyone owes you an explanation. But I'll give you one because you seem to like to pop in and ask the same pointed question and I'm hoping this will curtail that.

    Many people who are here are friends of people Julia has hurt or screwed over. Other people went to school with her and found her pathological lying annoying and s blatant misuse of her so-called "talents." A lot of people, women mostly, find that offensive.

    What you and your friends did in college, you did for you. You did it for laughs and something to do. Julia's whole life is a publicity stunt. A lip dub to Julia, taking over a candy store, is really just a great example of how Julia thinks the whole world revolves around her. (and, uh, yeah....they can't even synch up a lame dance move. Yea, the do work together so well.)

    How she behaves is a direct reflection on women in general. I'm guessing you're about 23 or 24, right? When you get older, and you've worked in an office or you've worked hard to be taken seriously, you'll look at the Julia's of the world and you'll resent them. Because their behavior directly affects our ability to be respected, be taken seriously and be seen as more than some shallow, substanceless, dishonest, manipulative female.

  38. Flatface, I just about spit my Diet Coke all over the computer screen. Russian Girl will have to leave her duties at the farm to break up the Chechnyan Dance Party.

  39. Regina--

    Julia Allison can write? Huh? She posts drivel and uses aphorisms cribbed at every turn. This isn't writing by any stretch of the imagination. More like diary scribbles of a narcissistic 15 year old.

  40. "...How she behaves is a direct reflection on women in general..."

    That is the craziest goddamn thing I've ever heard.

  41. hi em. i think julia is pretty innocuous, too, and i wish that she'd adopt innocuous as like, a consistent brand for her website and persona. she uses the "fluff" defense twice a day but THEN gets in front of an audience and talks about female empowerment and biology and srs business practices like she is an expert in anything but shamelessness.

  42. Julia SUCKED in the video! it was so uncomfortable to watch -- I wouldn't have re-posted that - that's a great way to scare off the new 'dates'... a video with white fat sticking out of a dress eating candy... mmm, sexy?... I would have thrown it from the 59th street bridge a long time ago.

    Mary is not aging well. How old is she? She looks completely weathered and her worked-out body is downright boyish, and not willowy like I'd assume her goal to be. Camera = not a fan of MR. (yet she still gets in front of it?) Bizarre. I feel for her.

    Meghan brings new meaning to 'bored out of my mind'.

  43. Christan, is Em asking a question? I think it's more of a statement:
    I know you all are like 'WHY are you here if you like JA in the least?'- but I feel it kind of fascinating so many people detest her because really...she is kind of innocuous.

    It's not a pointed question -- at most, there's an implied question of "why do you guys bother? Who cares?" But that doesn't bother me because a)unlike NS, I think of RBNS as a place for open dialog and b) there are numerous valid answers to such a question. For instance: so many of us who work in media are struggling to hang on to our jobs while JA does very little and yet continues to have a career, albeit one that is kind of on the skids.

  44. “All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.”

    - Mark Twain

  45. Most typical gym or yoga studio classes aren't exactly the most strenuous workout.

    Yoga is a fantastic cardio workout once you get past the beginner stage, because you stop and start a lot. Julia is the short-cut queen. She's not really on a diet. She's just one of those people who likes to say she's doing something just to say it. Plus, what's the point of exercising at all if you're going to come home and eat A WHOLE BAG of popcorn or five tiny cupcakes? (Probably about 200 calories a pop.) That's how you know she's not actually committed to working out. Seriously, anybody who goes on about going to the gym or going to a trainer then admits to booking hard, eating fatty foods, pigging out, etc....stop wasting your money on the trainer or gym.

  46. Anon 10:55:

    I can't remember which posts from her old tumblr (xojulia? not sure) someone reposted but they were well written and she actually seemed self-deprecating in a way that was relatable, likeable, and did not make her seem like she was full of shit.

  47. yah julia's gone meta.

  48. Ultimately, what I really find intersting is that some seem to hate JA/NS because, as Christian said:

    "Because their behavior directly affects our ability to be respected, be taken seriously and be seen as more than some shallow, substanceless, dishonest, manipulative female."

    But then I see posts about how she is fat, and how some other random blogger on here is 'batshit'...and it just makes me pause because...isn't this the kind of BS behavior a part of why people don't take women seriously? Isn't it all part of a bigger dialogue?

    And sure, I wonder why you look. At the same time, the same could be said for me? Why am I here if I don't necessarily agree with the sentiments. Who knows. I agree with a lot of what people say about her writing etc, but when it gets mean, I suppose I don't see how you are any different.

  49. Em--I look because it amuses the hell out of me. It's just a laugh break at some pretty out-there preposterousness and pretension in the middle of my busy days.

    Nothing mysterious about it.

  50. Em, I sympathize with your confusion over attacking the ladies' looks(my comments on JA's make-up is more about what looks flattering, not that there is any particular problem with her appearance). Personally, I don't think it has anything to do with anything, nor do I feel comfortable declaring open season on someone's appearance because I happen to dislike his/her personality...but I don't expect that everyone is going to agree with that. So I just stay out of those discussions (mostly).

  51. I have asked you that question before and yet still you are here. You keep asking why we read her, why we pay attention, and really: Why do you read RBNS? Why do you pay attention?

    And I believe it's been explained many times why people feel they are justified snarking on her looks: because she is ALL ABOUT her looks. That seems all she has to offer lately; photos of herself (although, mysteriously, hardly any lately. I suspect it's Dr. Bobby-related).

    While I don't snark on her weight, I defend the right of others to do so when JA is constantly making her physical appearance part of her "brand."

    And I agree with Christan. My initial distaste for her stemmed from the fact that a woman being given all these great opportunities was choosing to trade in her tits and her party dresses all the time, while laughably claiming to be a feminist. She gives women a bad name.

  52. Regina and Em,
    I would agree that some posts on JAB's appearance can be somewhat mean spirited; however, she is fair game as she attempts to profit on her looks by running around in teeny tiny porno skirts in the middle of December, thrusting her breasts into the camera lens at each and every opportunity, and slavering her face with makeup. This is no feminist heroine and certainly is an offense to women who actually can write and make it on their skills and an honest work ethic, honesty being a quality that Julia Baugher doesn't possess.

  53. But then I see posts about how she is fat, and how some other random blogger on here is 'batshit'...and it just makes me pause because...isn't this the kind of BS behavior a part of why people don't take women seriously? Isn't it all part of a bigger dialogue?
    I think there's a difference between just cracking on her weight gain and talking about it as it ties in to her overall message. That being, "skinny good/chunky bad...except when I'm chunky and then it's sexy."

    If you read these threads and don't see the copious amount of intelligent discourse and only focus on the people only posting snark, then yes, you will find fault. But what you should be wondering is "Why, if I find this all so tedious, do I keep coming back?" You like to ask us pointed questions, but you've yet to effectively communicate why you find US so fascinating.

  54. Sorry, Christian, I don't feel like publicly slandering anyone on the internet.

  55. Allison, Then why do you bother to read Julia Baugher? She has no hesitation publicly disclosing an ex boyfriend's serious medical condition in the hopes of generating more publicity for herself--publicity being the sole reason for all of Baugher's actions--and following that up with asking him to give her an air mac!

  56. Em, I agree on the ad hominem attacks on her weight, skin, etc. She's not fat, and her acne is minimal (if you think hers is bad, you should have seen mine pre-Accutane in high school).

    She's pathological, flighty, conniving, fame-obsessed and about as profound as a tumbleweed. Those and only those are the reasons I dislike her.

    Plus, my life is quietly content right now, and a little bit of drama is always nice, especially when the subject of said drama practically begs for it.

  57. Because sometimes it's interesting and entertaining to read.

  58. Allison, So a little slander is o.k.? Just as long as our lady of crashed conferences is doing the slandering?

  59. Next New Networks appears to have the rev-share agreement with YouTube (and possibly even an inventory share) so any hits there are certainly beneficial to both NNN and NonSociety.

  60. That Girl Allison used to attempt to provoke arguments on QotD. Looks like she's found her way over here. Snore. Move on ... she is a troll who has nothing interesting to say and can't form coherent arguments, just like her idol Julia Allison.

  61. I think it's great that she's here. It's always good to have dissenting opinions. Only so many times we can all agree with each other. Welcome, Allison.

  62. Yeah, Julia should quit wasting money on the gym if she keeps eating those cupcakes. Wouldn't want anybody improving their health if it doesn't equal immediate weight loss, would we?

  63. Anon 11:55, Agreed re: that Allison woman. She used to post first thing and non-stop in the QOD section of non-society, as though time would end if she didn't get her answer immediately up there to whatever inane question had just been written by poor Charlsie. Yawn. Double yawn.

  64. Well, so far Allison hasn't told anyone here to fuck themselves, as she was easily prone to do on QoTD. Perhaps we're a good influence on her!

  65. When you've lost Sheryl Spencer and Allison is starting to turn, you know things are grim.

  66. NonE - Can you e-mail me again? My blackberry wiped out all my old e-mails and I can't retrieve from my laptop.


    Also, Allison, would love to hear what it is that brought you here?

  67. While some forms of yoga can certainly be intense and lead to weight loss - eventually - it does not look as if Julia's versions of yoga class or "healthy" eating (but it's organic popcorn!) are anything but vanity attempts at reforming her unhealthy ways. This is a girl who was stupid enough to fall for a juice diet, for chrissakes. Jankles needs to address some deep rooted food/body image issues before she EVER attempts to implement some newfound healthy lifestyle.

  68. [redacted], Oh, that's right! Allison would fly off the handle in the QoTD sections, going off on bizarre tangents on race or some other "hot" topic. And the profanity would gradually be flung. Please, not here!

  69. Christan - done!

    Mean Girl - You are exactly right. Some types of yoga are very intense and excellent for losing fat, but they are advanced and we all know that Julia never sticks with anything long enough to actually master it and become adept.

    Anon @ 12:14 - She's actually a lot like Julia: foul-mouthed white trash from the 'burbs playing at being an adult.

  70. JA doesnt do anything deep-rooted.

  71. Now now yes there is one thing JA does that is deep rooted..


    Kepp her own hair color..

  72. Why, Mean Girl? Exercise is never bad. Regardless of whether everything you're doing put together has a net negative, exercise remains a positive. I have no interest in picking on her for exercising, even if she's not doing it up to your standards. Thinking a bag of microwave organic popcorn is "bad for you"? Now that's a problem.

    Oh, and by the way, "Jankles" is extraordinarily tacky.

  73. Yeah, Julia should quit wasting money on the gym if she keeps eating those cupcakes. Wouldn't want anybody improving their health if it doesn't equal immediate weight loss, would we?

    You're right, she should give up on the gym all together if she's going to eat like shit. Those two counter act each other. Hello, heart disease is the number one killer of women. You think eating poorly, eating a ton of sugar doesn't affect your heart? Think again. Thanks for playing, though.

  74. Hahaha. You're right, exercise somehow HURTS your heart if you do it in conjunction with eating poorly. Thank YOU for playing.

  75. Thinking a bag of microwave organic popcorn is "bad for you"?

    It is. Especially if it was eaten post workout. It's empty calories. So, about 2 hours later, she's going to get hungry again, later at night, and probably eat something else and not burn it off. Or she'll go hungry, which makes the metabolism slow so that fewer calories are burned. Plus, those bags of popcorn are not meant to be eaten by one person in a whole sitting. Shows her total lack of discipline. It sound sliek the only time she eats anything healthy is when she goes out on dinner dates.

  76. Has JA has a nose job? Her nose looks like it's made out of clay

  77. But that's not what she said. She said any kind of popcorn is bad. Which is so freakishly far from the truth. Home-popped organic popcorn is a totally great snack, even for weight loss. Look, I really don't get the weak efforts at attacking her for trying to be healthy. Yeah, maybe she's failing, but that's hardly the worst of her crimes. She's an idiot for eating cupcakes if she's trying to lose weight, yes. But what is the actual offense here? I'm sure Christan has 200 "intelligent discourse"-y words on the subject!

  78. I am not saying that her exercising isn't "up to my standards," I am simply pointing out that her health kick is just her latest shallow obsession of the day and will probably be abandoned all together next week, when she moves onto something else. This week it's working out. The week before that it was crushes on married men. The week before that it was Davos. The week before that it was DLD. The week before that it was religion.

    And if you're going to make judgments here on what is "tacky" well, you're in the wrong place. You could say the entire exercise going on here is tacky , but we're OK with that and enjoying it anyway. Everyone comes here for different reasons and is free to say whatever tacky thing they want to say. It's called discourse, dear anon.

  79. "Jankles needs to address some deep rooted food/body image issues before she EVER attempts to implement some newfound healthy lifestyle."

    All I asked was why? Why can't she just do healthy things, even if it's erratic? Isn't that better than *not* doing healthy things?

  80. Oh, and by the way, I've made a lot of judgments here about what's "tacky." Usually about Julia and Mary. Those seemed to go over ok.

  81. Why can't we all be a little more forgiving? Everyone has stress. And everyone has their own ways of dealing with it.

    No matter what you think of the Question of the Day, posting a question on your website every day (practically) can be a strain. Like today: the girls have asked what people's favorite dessert recipes are.

    I don't know what panet you live on, but I start to get knots in my stomach just thinking about getting dessert recipes from other people. I am literally sweating behind my knees. I mean, yes, I know: no one has answered the question. But you get my point. Yesterday? Asking what the most romantic valentine you ever got? Gimme three Advil and let me go lay down. You'd need nerves of steel. Fighter pilot stuff.

    Cupcakes and yoga as a salve for that sort of kamikaze-like intensity? I can understand.
    It appears not all of you agree with her diet and exercise regimen.

    But I think we can all agree on this: Julia Allison is definitely a secret Turkish agent who plans on learning our secrets from inside "the belly of the beast" and then using them to start a wild Turkish version of Gawker at a time and place known only to her and her mustached Turkish government handlers.

  82. I was unaware this was a fitness blog-but really, at least she is trying to workout. Who are we to judge (unless any of us is secretly the hardcore trainer from The Biggest Loser)?

    Plus, eating bad and working out doesn't COUNTERACT each other. Even if you are equal on the day of what you eat and what you burn, it is still good for your body and helps build muscle mass- which in turns burns more calories. Christian,you sound as if you are the picture of perfect health and fitness. Could you please log your diet and workout regime so we could all benefit? Thanks, cupcake.

  83. Christan, not cool. Come on, you know she's not fat. She's allowed to eat whatever the fuck she wants (although cupcakes? That's so 2005, isn't it?), and honestly, knowing she has a history with bulimia and knowing she probably reads this site should be enough to make you think twice about saying stuff like that.

    Like the above poster at 1:06 -- go ahead, give us your diet and exercise habits or post a photo. Otherwise, I really think it's pointless and cruel to continue with the weight attacks.

    She's ugly on the inside, and that's what we need to focus on.

  84. Think that Allison has suddenly gone stealth, using "anonymous," as her alias as she defends the trainwreck once known as Julia Baugher. Sort of like Elizabeth Hasslebeck defending W. "Jankles is extraordinarily tacky." Really? How so, and so sorry we've given your beloved Julia another sobriquet.

  85. Can we move on from the interminable diet discourse? I'm bored shitless.

  86. Thanks, but I'm the one who said that and I'm a hater through and through. If you *don't* think it's tacky, I'd love to know why not.

  87. I, too, feel as if this exercising binge is just another fad she'll get tired of in a week or so. That's where my own snickering is coming from. I do understand the desire to binge after a workout because damn that makes me hungry, but she needs to be eating protein and not crap. Again though, that's not where my main beef with her lies, so it's not my main focus. I want Julia to keep it real, and she fails.

  88. Off topic here but see Meghan let her boyfriend (oops, hairdresser) cut 8 inches off her hair. I thought she did this cut Friday? Guess that Crystal Gale look wasn't working.

  89. Maybe Allison is some NS spy sent here to get new content ideas for NS?

    If so lets help her out..new topics:

    What kind of cupcakes do dogs like?

    Lip dubbing for South by South west, techniques.

  90. Teehee, one of the 3(!) comments on yesterdays QOTD. Beth "Leven Rambin" Cooper strikes again.
    "What is the best Valentine’s Day gift you have ever received?"
    Beth Cooper: This guy I really liked and had a crush on dumped his older and irritating girlfriend to hook up with me.

  91. Question of the Day:

    How many times does Meghan Asha have to haul up her dress straps in that surpassingly dreadful "I Want Candy" vimeo?

  92. Anon 1:19 p.m., great idea.

    -What cookies go best with tequila?

    -Have you ever gotten in over your head with something and every day is worse than the day before and you cry yourself to sleep every night wondering why a good person like you got stuck in such a horrible situation but now the tears don't come because all that there is anymore is numbness and all that there will ever be is numbness?

  93. can someone tell me why meghan asha "girl of wanting to do good, charitable endeavors" cut off 8 inches without even thinking about doing the most obvious and pain free charity of locks of love?? i mean seriously THEY ARE RIDICULOUS.

  94. Anon 1:33, you have to cut at least 10 inches of hair to donate to Locks of Love. (Which doesn't mean she couldn't have waited until she had that much to cut.)

  95. Cupcakes are for losers, real women do chocolate shots by MR

  96. - Do you like rain?
    -what's your favorite hat size?
    -what;s your favorite schnitzel house in Switzerland?

  97. Yes, questions!
    - Readers, would you ever sell web technology secrets to the Lebanese?

  98. my point is she didnt look into locks of love at all when she made the choice to go for a drastic cut, 2 inches is absolutely nothing in the scope of things, and in fact her hair would probably look better now if she had gone 2 inches shorter. once again it just affirms that even their best intentions are based in superficial bullshit.

  99. -Where is the promised Davos coverage?
    -Where is the CES coverage?
    -WHy did Cisco give up on NS sponsorship?
    -Was Kodak happy with the results of NS Sponsorship?
    -If fathers prohibited daughters from reading JA would JA think that a good thing?
    -In the current media environment where there are not simply enough coverage slots to cover all how does JA's competitive techniques help and or harm getting effective PR results in this current economy?

  100. She is superficial because she didn't (1) cut her hair shorter than she wanted or (2)wait six months for her hair to grow to give it to locks of love? That is just stupid.

  101. "Who are we to judge?"

    Anonymous Julia Defender - if you're asking that question, you're in the wrong place.

  102. no, shes superficial because she is a practice in contradictions just as much as the other two. do not tout yourself as someone with awareness when you neglect to see even the most obvious opportunity for charity. she didnt have to wait six months, that girl had hair down to her ass practically.

  103. I clearly meant, I highly doubt everyone posting on this blog is svelte and the picture of physical fitness- who are we to judge a cupcake or having popcorn after yoga? I'ts just inane. Unless you are Giselle (which from your obvious self loathing I can tell you are not) or want to post a picture of yourself, your obsession with ankles/Julia's weight is just pathetic. Get thee to the gym!

  104. I, too, feel as if this exercising binge is just another fad she'll get tired of in a week or so. That's where my own snickering is coming from. I do understand the desire to binge after a workout because damn that makes me hungry, but she needs to be eating protein and not crap. Again though, that's not where my main beef with her lies, so it's not my main focus. I want Julia to keep it real, and she fails.

    She totally fails. Show, don't tell.

    As for posting photos, I'm hardly hiding. I'm posting under my real name, and my link goes to my business' website, or blog, or facebook page depending on what I choose to link to when I comment. I was 185 pounds in May and am now down to 155 and still working out. So, I do know what works for certain bodies and have been far more health conscious. It's fine if you don't agree, but nobody is going to stop talking about something just because of a few anonymous comments. Feel free to skip my comments.

  105. Actually, the person who said we shouldn't pass judgment on her tackiness was an anti-Julia person defending herself against someone who disagreed with her particular criticism. Seems a bit crazy in context, doesn't it?

  106. "Who are we to judge a cupcake or having popcorn after yoga? I'ts just inane."

    INANE is the very definition of this blog's existence: to comment on, pick apart, judge or make fun of Julia's every move in whatever way you want. It's a laff. A time killer. Not a high handed treatise on the lessons learned from Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged. Get over yourself.

  107. Christan is very overweight herself. She has no right to ever make fun of Julia who is half her size and far prettier. I'm no JA fan, but she is not overweight. It's her personality that is ugly; let's focus on that.


    The letter from a reader on Meg's blog is written by Julia...so freekin' obvious.


  109. HERE IT IS:


    I read your blog about wanting to cut your hair. Cutting hair for some South Asian women can be a drastic measure. So many like it long and keep it that way for ages (like me) or vice versa. But there comes a time in certain women’s lives where we need do “the cut”. That’s right. I just made that up. Anyway, it’s kinda true. I am 29 and have had practically the same long hair since 12, I think.

    But, lately, I’ve noticed women doing that straight, sleek, slant bob cut now (the one like Jenny McCarthy’s). I LOVE IT! I have NEVER liked short hair. But when I saw this, I loved it. PROBLEM is, I have wavy hair, so the minute I cut it short, it’s gonna get all curly and wavy and unmanageable and NOT at all like the way the hairstylist styles it. So, unless I want to do that whole “don’t wash your hair more than once a week” to keep it straight routine, which I won’t cause I hate greasy hair, or get one of the special expensive Japanese straightening styles (which I guarantee you won’t last more than a couple days on me) this won’t work for me.

    BUT it may look great on you! So, go for it! Some women have to come to a point in their lives where there NEEDS to be change… a sign of maturity and independence and “I don’t give a f*** what you think” mentality. Cause trust me there will be people, especially men and some of our mothers, who will not be too happy with it. And that’s just divine with me.

    Keep up the good work on your blog! You three look great! I’ll be sure to promote you guys to all my friends and anonymous stalkers. Cheers!

  110. You are SO right anon 2:32. Only skinny people can make fun of fat people. How DARE an overweight person make fun of another overweight person! I am just so offended and appalled that the wrong people are judging people over here. It's just beyond the pale. Can we implement a commenting screen over here than measures a person's amount of "ugly on the inside" genes before posting over here?

  111. I guess Scary Mary is back?

  112. You guys are just ripping each other apart...

  113. Duh. That's why only certain people are responding to her. Everyone else is ignoring her. Can we change the subject please? Or can RBNS step in? This type of shit stirring, not the comments about Julia's weight, are what ruin this blog for me.

  114. Just watched one of Christan's videos. What a mess that woman is.

  115. Who or what is a Scary Mary? Mary Rambin?

  116. I guess someone didn't get the e-mail. We're all taking a break from commenting until SM gets bored.

  117. NEW SUBJECT: Why is the trio of banality so out of touch with current events? Mary (Katie Holmes) and Meghan (Leah Lezark) are chopping off their hair to resemble celebrities who were "hot" a year ago. Julia thinks movies like He's Just Not That Into You are still relevant. If these girls are so techy and connected, how can they be so out of touch? They NEVER comment on a current event or even something current in the entertainment world - unless it's blogging last year's SAG pictures or something dopey like that.

  118. Oops, sorry Ra. Just now got the memo. I shall cease commenting until Scary Mary goes away.

  119. Fashion blogging is dead. Mary needs to catch up.

  120. Hey Jankles, Christan, and whoever else: it's a very JA technique to only respond to the criticism you can knock down easily. Just FYI.

  121. Yes I agree that the trio is stooping to any kind of publicity stunt that will get them page views. Cutting hair though? Things must be tough. They all seem to have a lot of time on their hands for people who complain about being so busy that they can never get everything done.

  122. It's so hilarious that you guys think there's only one person out there who hates Nonsociety AND disagrees with your whack comments.

  123. The only reason JA's exercise regimen is interesting is because, like Harvard Business School, faith and whatever else -- there have been so many I can't keep track -- it too will be abandoned before long with nary a word.

    But other than that, yeah, why don't we drop it? I suspect there is a lunatic Christan hater among us who keeps coming in under various aliases to stir up shit. Let's just ignore.

  124. You can absolutely hate NonSociety (the women that comprise it) and also hate noters here, like Christan, who have to bring it down to a base level. NonSociety sucks. But people in fat houses should not hurl carbs.

  125. It's so hilarious that someone thinks they can swoop in and tell people how to comment.

  126. Oh Jankles. By that logic, it's so hilarious that someone thinks they can swoop in and tell Julia Allison how to run a business. Why does anyone pass any judgment ever???? WHY!?!?! Or are you saying...somehow...it's ok to judge Julia...but not...you?

  127. Rankled, they're out of touch because they so desperately want to be hip and relevant, but are not hooked up with any "in crowd," so they latch on to whatever is in the mainstream popular culture, which is always a few seasons behind the true trendsetters. Weren't they living the SATC life a few years after it was all over and done?

    Jacy, she has also failed to follow through on CES coverage, Davos coverage, inauguration coverage, discussing some article to which she linked. And that's only the stuff from 2009.

  128. Anybody who makes their life public is asking to be judged. That includes me, Julia, anybody. None of us are going to suddenly have a change of heart because people are disagreeing, name calling, etc. I've been called fat before. I've been called a mess before. It's the nature of blogging. I've been doing it for 4 years. I'm not going to change my stance because people are calling me fat.

  129. for the record, Em has 10000x better grammy fashion coverage than MR.

  130. Rankled, they're out of touch because they so desperately want to be hip and relevant, but are not hooked up with any "in crowd," so they latch on to whatever is in the mainstream popular culture, which is always a few seasons behind the true trendsetters.

    Another reason why they do it is because they want to come up in Google Searches. It's a trick bloggers use. They find out what are popular key word searches then mention them so they will come up in those searches.

  131. But I want to know what JA's view n US economic policy are..:)

  132. Jankles:

    I would have to say that I'd agree that it would be quite odd (not more or less acceptable) for someone who is overweight to criticize someone else...about how fat she is. It doesn't mean it's "okay" for thin people to make those comments -- it's just less mind-boggling and weird. That said, I do not care one bit how much Julia or Christan or anyone else weighs.

    NonE, I don't think she's even trying anymore. She can't be.

  133. 3:18 i agree. There was a Presidential press conference last night that is all over the news. Why aren't any of them talking about this? This affects everybody from 18-70.

  134. "Another reason why they do it is because they want to come up in Google Searches. It's a trick bloggers use. They find out what are popular key word searches then mention them so they will come up in those searches."

    Sort of like hiding unrelated, but popular, keywords in the whitespace of a site?

  135. Sort of like hiding unrelated, but popular, keywords in the whitespace of a site?

    Yeah, but that is actually very common, especially for small businesses. Google doesn't really crack down on it because they're so many websites doing it now. They wouldn't have the time.

  136. Sorry, guys, I haven't been posting anonymously (can somebody check the IP addresses?). I went to the gym and ran some errands.

    And I don't agree with or support everything the ladies do. Re: Julia - remember that "Step away from the needle!" email that she posted? That was from me (if you don't believe me, email me and I can forward it to you). I think using botox at their ages is absolutely awful.

    I just choose to not focus on the negative most of the time.

  137. I am sure Julia is writing up her 3,500-word essay on the current economic environment as we speak. I mean, she DID go to Davos, so of course she's well versed in the intricacies of economic policy. Her Internet will just go out before she gets a chance to post it.

  138. I thought Julia's inbox was overflowing with mail? How is it that she manages to respond to certain e-mails that come in immediately but always says she's way behind in responding to e-mails?

  139. Anon 3:29 - Because she only responds to the emails that back up her argument or that she can use in some way to defend herself. She probably read over here (you know she does) that people were speculating about Botox and found a convenient email that let her respond and deny that she was getting Botox. Of course if she was only getting acne treatments, that still does not explain why she hasn't posted a picture of her face in two days. Methinks she either got some sort of chemical peel, botched Botox or a horrible Revenge of Ty haircut. Or all three. YIKES.

  140. James: I am sure she will submit that essay in her application to Harvard Business School. I am certain the Harvard people will be impressed that she went to Davos and spent most of her time at a piano bar or hitting on married men.

  141. I thought Julia's inbox was overflowing with mail? How is it that she manages to respond to certain e-mails that come in immediately but always says she's way behind in responding to e-mails?

    It's called a) laziness or b) fiction. I get upwards of about 250 e-mails a day - blog comments, membership subscriptions, payment confirmations, personal e-mails, biz proposals. I open all of them. Isn't that one of the reasons why busy professionals get Blackberries and PDA's? How can you have all these gadgets and not utilize that function? What's the point?

  142. This recent Ty/Dr. Bobby hysteria also demonstrates what insecure, unthinking sheeple these three women are. They can't do ONE thing without either copying each other or talking each other into it. And look at the results... blah haircuts and cut rate cosmetic procedures. No thank you.

  143. MR has a rename her blog contest..

    I like this suggestion:

    Mason's paw'd pawn puppet

  144. totally different subject:
    Aren't those sunglasses m and m were shilling yesterday awful? Kinda gas staion-y-looking.
    And they apparently got some free shades for it? I know they're trying to pioneer this new model of online advertising where the sponsors products are incorporated into the programming itself, but... It's weird. It's like, out-of-the-blue, bam: now we're posting more pix of us in these weird eastern european gangster-y sunglasses than we did of the inauguration or Davos.

  145. Christan, shut up and go back to your sex blog.

  146. "MR has a rename her blog contest..
    I like this suggestion:
    Mason's paw'd pawn puppet"

    I don't understand this. I don't really follow Meg's blog. What is this about?

  147. Oh, sorry. It's from Mary's. She's renaming her blog?

  148. Mr= MAry Ramblin not MA

  149. Other MR blog names:

    JA's smarter Sister

    Free Drinks with every Dig

  150. I think we can all agree, I’m not a snob, and no one really understood the title was supposed to be tongue in cheek in the first place. So henceforth, what shall I called?

    How about:


  151. C'mon gang. Enough with saving the world, or saving the Three Weird Sisters--er, Three Weird Cupcakes. Surely we can come up with some bangup new names for The Blog Formerly Known as Style, by Mary.

    Ramblin' Throes

    Mary's Contrarian Guide to the Lower Digestive Tract

    My Colonics, Myself

  152. Hmm...somebody is looking to branch out on her own. Wonder what's up with the new blog, new name comment?

  153. How about

    Mary-ality-Drinks and Trainwrecks Together at last

  154. Suggestions for Mary's new tag line:

    Suit-o Science Snob

    Sheeple-ing Differently

    Misspelling Snob

    To Misspell is Human, to Cleanse is Divine

    My Shoulders, Myself

    Former Style Snob Who Recently Discovered She In Fact Has No Style, Nor Is A Snob. Discuss.

  155. Boozy Bitch Brays About Botox

    Tacky Texan Talks Turds

    Brought to you by Grey Goose

    Will Work for Apartment

    Will Trade Sunglasses for Rent Money

    Hussy Hawks Hairdryers

  156. She has SO gotten her lips done. You can tell, she looks like a trout.

  157. Same with Julia. Her mouth hasn't looked normal for at least a year.

  158. I lost to a 5th Grader

    Green Juice is your friend

    My name is Maury

  159. Julia and Mary both look incredibly weird and waxy in the face. They've obviously been duped into getting whatever crazy procedure Dr. Bobby scares/talks them into. And they are barely 30! In attempting to preserve their "youth" they end up looking ten years older. Helloooo body dysmorphic disorder! I shudder to think what they will look like in ten years.

  160. Oh, I got it:

    Booze and Shoes with Mary Rambin

  161. I Got Sunnies, No Monies

    No Money, Mo' Problems

    Pass the Sherry with Mary

    Shipwrecked with Mary

    The Pink Hat Speaks

    Spin and Gin with Mary Rambin

  162. One of my readers (and I am happy to prove this) emailed me to let me know my name has come up over here and to clear things up: I have not even sat down in front of my computer until right now at all today. I also do not make posts as Anonymous EVER.

    Find another scapegoat.

    Back to matters at hand: I had an IM conversation with Julia yesterday and then after that talk we see all these little changes starting to happen. Like Mary not wanting to "focus" on just fashion (like she ever did) since the "response was so great" when she blogged about other things.

    Um. Hmm, what response was so great? She's gotten slammed more for her "health" advice than anything else.

    Too little. Too late. It's coming apart at the seams.

  163. It's been coming apart at the seams for a while. I am guessing Mary Rambin is putting out feelers asking readers what they see as her niche because she's looking to dump Nonsociety and branch off on her own. She was probably putting out feelers on all those trips to LA, not that she's employable as anything but a gym instructor. She's not even trying to find an apartment in NY - I get the idea she's about to bail.

  164. OMG, please tell me youre posting that gem convo sometime!

  165. I've seen Meghan twice in the past week at a coffee shop in SOHO. First time I wasn't sure it was her, she was hunched over her computer and looked miserable. Second time I was walking to second coffee shop and saw a dog(turns out it was Mason, not on a leash) and Meghan(guess Mary's staying with her?) and she also looked miserable. It actually just made me sad to see how unhappy she looked.

  166. -Tequila and Cookies (sorry, it makes me giggle)

    -Lord, I Was Born a Rambin Man (yeah, I know it doesn't make any sense)

    -Fetuses and Fetishes: You Go, Girlfriend

    -No Shit or I Shit You Not

    -Two Gays, a Girl and a Pocket Dictionary

    In all seriousness, she's probably the best equipped to spin off her own site. I really do think she's coming off as the most likable one of the three these days.

  167. Idiot Savvy

    did someone already do "Gin and Colonics"?

    Fashunable Mary

  168. -Notes from the Desk of a Booze Hag.
    -Cleanses, Colonics and Cocktails.

  169. Em, you are so just so gol-darned entertaining. I'm majoring in psychology, and I think I could get at least a term paper out of you and your pathological need to visit this website and stir the pot on a daily basis. Does it have to do with your need to control others?

    For those of you who are new to this place, Em pops up with frightening regularity, always pontificating on how sad we all are for posting here, yet SHE CAN'T STAY AWAY.

    It is human nature for people to gossip about public figures. We are enjoying our gossip as discretely as possible here in this place that was set up for just such a purpose.

    What is fascinating about Em and her ilk is that they feel the need to seek us out here in our place of sanctuary, and kick some virtual sand right in our virtual faces. I fail to see how this gives them the moral high ground.

    And ScaryMary, RBNS knows EXACTLY how frequently you visit and post under various names here. See that little icon on the bottom labeled "sitemeter"?

  170. Ok, who is monitoring the comments at ONTD? Beth Cooper aka Leven Rambin strikes again:

    What is your favorite dessert recipe?
    Beth Cooper:
    I hate to cook so I never actually make desserts. I mostly just buy them from the grocery store but it's really hard to control myself when I buy an entire pie or carton of ice cream. I usually just end up eating the entire dessert in one sitting and then I feel like barfing!!!

    Oh, Julia, what did you ever do to sweet little Leven?

  171. Anon 6:14: Good. So then RBNS can tell you I have not been here today until I posted UNDER MY OWN NAME. I wasn't even at my computer. Get off it.

  172. Another Mary tag line:

    Sippin' on Gin and Juice

    This is too easy...

  173. Anon 6:14:

    Em IS Scary Mary. I thought everybody knew that. Scary writes a number of blogs. She admitted that here before. Em popped up the day after everybody came down on SM for promoting her blog and writing the "n" word. Totes obvious.

  174. Anon 614, how brave of you to post under your real name.

  175. Coincidence that "Em" is a fashion blogger/drama queen like Mary and ScaryMary is OBSESSED with fashion blogger Mary Rambin. Wouldn't surprise me at all if Scary started her own fashion blog trying to compete with Mary.

    I love those "I'l never teeellll" comments SM. You're SOOOOOO important because Julia and you had an IM conversation. I bet Julia took notes while you two were gabbing and listened to all your suggestions.

  176. LOL

    It's actually funny that you are so convinced you KNOW something that is just really not remotely true. In fact, I am going to email RBNS and ask if they wouldn't mind helping me prove this since you say it can be tracked.

    I am also very vocal about NOT being a supporter of NS so why you think I'm in here defending them makes no sense either. Why would I want or need to do that? I am obviously also vocal about standing up for my opinions whether they are agreed with or not. Why would I hide behind "Anon" like you do? Or post as other people? Again, makes no sense.

    Thanks for saying you think I'm so important, but I think you think I'm more important that I think I am. Seriously.

    Also, I've actually had a fashion blog since '07. Long before there WAS a Mary Rambin trying to do the same, and that's why I feel so entitled to comment on her blogging skills or lack thereof.

    This is a place to talk about NS, so stay on topic. Many have voiced echoing opinions. Stop obsessing over me. Why do you care so much?

  177. My email to RBNS:

    Hi! Listen there seems to be some people (person, really) saying that I am going in and commenting as this Em person. One of the commenters said repeatedly that you can track who comes to the site when. You can see from the headers on this email what my IP address is. I know it might be a pain in the ass but if you could check on my IP address is your stats tracking and help me prove that that is NOT in fact me posting there all day today as Em, I would appreciate it a lot. I didn't even come to your site today until I posted as myself.

    Thank you thank you!


  178. The IP address of an e-mail and your computer's IP address are different.

    I'm bored by the Julia is fat comments/Mary has had too much Botox comments. That stuff has been beaten to death. If Julia's weight is off limits so should Mary's looks be off limits.

    I'm sick of Scary trying to derail the comments under all her user names.

    I'm tired of certain JA-obsessed bloggers derailing threads to anonymously get back at other bloggers unrelated to NS. You know who you are. We all do. It's obvious. Totes.

  179. Your IP address is your IP address as far as I know. I have nothing to hide, and eventually you will see I am NOT in fact Em because her profile links to her blogs and time will show you that those are not mine.

    And sorry but I haven't tried to derail anything under any name. You're delusional. And ruining the fun of this site with this odd fixation on me every time I appear and even when I do not. Which is why I have NOT been here until today when I got an email that my name was being thrown around.

    I used to have fun here, and now I get slammed for no reason whether I'm here or not. Enjoy your fantasy world.

  180. Guys, leave Mary alone. She's not so bad. Pick on the others. Trust me I am not Mary, I am an Aussie (older) woman who thinks she has SPUNK.
