Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Now, now

Listen, bunnies, we're being heard! In a three-hour meeting!

From Mary:

In the interest of true lifecasting, I’m letting you know we are in a 3 hour meeting discussing the future of TMI by exploring our thoughts and your comments.


  1. That must BURN JA. I get the feeling that Mary and Meghan would like to admit to mistakes and to pledge to do better, but our Lady of Narcissistic Personality Disorder is loathe to grant a point to her detractors. She must be fuming.

    Also, can I mention how AWESOME this blog is! I never, ever have to go to any of their blogs or TMI anymore. You are performing a wonderful service, and if you ever need help, let me know. I will e-mail you my contact info.

  2. I think most of us have already given a ton of input on how they can improve. The problem is I have a feeling based on their comments thus far that that type of improvement is the last thing they'd actually want to adopt. It would actually mean working hard instead of partying and traveling and hoping to be paid handsomely for it.

  3. This will save them three hours: TMI has no future. It suffers the same problem as their other site, namely that there is NO valuable content to carry the advertising or sponsorships. Its hosts insult the intelligence of their intended audience and have lost their trust and viewership. Yet another example of wasting a lot of people's time and money.

  4. I personally cannot stand the TMI theme music with the very SATC piano riff. I hope it shutters quickly.

  5. Who even bothers to watch TMI? I watched the first couple and got more than my fill.

  6. It's like they each wish they were living a real life Truman Show. Sadly for them, such is not the case. While projects of this ilk generally draw initial appeal, that interest is both fickle and ephemeral. The only question is what will draw their "readers" attention away, and when. I'm setting the over-under at 2-3 months.

  7. tmi = just a way for them to advertise for sites that suck and make money, no point in watching.

    but, my best advice GET RID OF THE ONE CAMERA ANGLE, as a proffesional- it looks cheap, bad, low prod quality, if you have 3 people you have at least 3 different angles. seriously that is a total obvious rookie mistake.

  8. Ouch they just deleted my QOTD comment on how they lack integrity and don't even try to hide it. The backdated CES posts intended to make it appear as if they were properly covering the convention as it occured all along? Truly sleazy. A handful of recent comments were delted in minutes' time. I guess maybe the 3 hr meeting is over and deletion time begun?

  9. Yup the meeting's over and they are over at QOTD deleting fast and furious. The comments are getting fewer by the second. Amazing.

  10. Yes indeedy, meeting adjourned and the only QOTD comments left up are health care related! I am sorry to be finding this to be such fun. Guess I just had months of bile stored up and am finally getting it ALL off my chest at once! They are definitely in fast and furious defense mode, and it is an amusing spectacle. Enjoying the hell out of it.

  11. I think to further bug them I am going to be sure to fully type out the names Julia Allison, Mary Rambin and NonSociety in future posts so that they will pop up on Google searches. Hee.

  12. Looks like they didn't learn a single thing in their business meeting. Are you really surprised? "Where can we improve?" is such a load of bullshit. They're going down in flames and continue to pour gasoline on the fire.

  13. Dyspeptic,

    I wouldn't be surprised if they come after this blog next by appealing to Blogger as they did Tumblr. Cearly they don't want the very true criticism of them left online for their potential "sponsors" to see. They don't realize how disliked they are precisely because they refuse to acknowledge their sleazy behavior that so many call them on. Their deletions only reinforce those feelings. They say they are open to input and value their readers yet do all they can to squelch their feedback.

  14. Anonymous 4:57 Well, they can't go after everybody. Tumblr is a special case because of their relationship with David Karp (who incidentally looked DELICIOUSLY uncomfortable in those carefully staged "New Year's party" pix). It's perfectly legit in modern blog culture to have an "anti-site," so I hardly think they can go around stamping each one out. Although it amuses me to imagine them trying,

    Remember, bunnies, spell out their names for maximum Google searchability!

  15. Not to mention which, if they have Google alerts set up for "Julia Allison," "Mary Rambin." and "NonSociety," their emails will bring them news of what's being said here. And since they are in advanced paranoid mode at the moment, they will be checking mentions right and left. You just can't kill all your critics dead.

  16. They are deleting comments as soon as they come up. And with the backlogging... it's sickening what they will do to get free shit. Completely pathetic. I am not one to throw hate on the internet, but this is the first website I've truly hated (quite an accomplishment on their part). They are unlikeable, and I relish the day they fail.
