Monday, January 12, 2009

A Word About Comments

Hey bunnies, you should be able to comment freely now--no registration or other bs required. Sorry about the hassle. Carry on!


  1. i posted a comment on ns and it was deleated in less then a minute!!

  2. did anyone see julia on her live ces coverage? she said that the breathalyzer looked like a vibrator and she had sex on her mind all day. total proffesionalism, way to uphold the image of kodak an cisco. i remember yesterday i was buying a kodak camera for my grandma and it had a picture of a stripper on it...NOT. i tried to tell people in the comments at NS accuratley discribing what happend for those who missed the live show (since there were only a handful of people there) and they took my comment down. but it really happened! why would they remove me telling people what really happend?

    they deleated so many comments from me. even just saying "i am really dissapointed at the ces coverage, this is not what i expected" BAM! removed.

  3. That's really shitty of them to keep deleting comments... I feel like I should point out that you spell deleted incorrectly all the time. There are no A's in deleted. Just wanted to say something because accurate spelling makes people more credible, I think. Just look at Mary.

  4. Is there any way to comment without resorting to "anonymous"? I'd like to pick a nickname for continuity's sake, but I can't figure out how to do it with the "Select profile options," as apparently I can't do it without a working URL. Hints, anyone? Can I just pick some random URL to go with my handle and comment away? Or what?

  5. It's easy to post a comment without resorting to "anonymous." In the drop-down menu for "Comment As," select "Name/URL" and pick a name and just make up a URL.

  6. Thank you kindly, "See? It's Easy." I shall do so with pleasure and enthusiasm.

