Sunday, April 19, 2009

Julia: Even More Fascinating Content

with @RandiZuckerberg @ The Foo Camp!


  1. Man her figure is getting more and more like Nancy Soccermom, the 38 year old chunko former-glory days high school prom queen every day.

    Look at those things. No wonder we never see pictures of her in pants. :smirk:

  2. Randi's doin' it all wrong. You have to hang off of the tree, NOT push on it!

  3. According to Meghan:

    "Because Foo Camp is mainly an event for collaboration, there was very little news and sessions I could write about. That being said, I wanted to at least share some of my favorite parts of this very unique camping experience."

    Riiiight. I suppose that a write up about Davos, then, is right around the corner!

  4. srsly, the girl is NOT fat. i tire of the weight criticism on this blog. there are ten trillion other more interesting things to make fun of julia allison for. as someone who is a size 14, it's quite frustrating to visit an otherwise funny and oftentimes intelligent blog only to see someone who is a size which i myself will never attain be criticized for her weight. criticize her for her poor business sense, her sense of entitlement, for not delivering what she says she will, for claiming to have invented lifecasting (something which she doesn't even do WELL), for a lack of originality, etc. etc. etc., but for cupcake's sake, please fucking lay off the weight. it's like a fucking sorority house up in this shit. i feel so privileged that i can comment here without all y'all circling all of the places i need to fix on my own fat body.

  5. 3:44PM

    I am not a fan of the weight comments either, but, I think that the difference between you and Julia is that Julia totally bought into the NYC mentality that all women must be as skinny as a fashion model chosen by a gay designer, a gay designer that has no interest in a female's secondary sex characteristics like breasts and curves. I think it is OK for people to criticize her until she formally rebukes the NYC mindset that a woman must be rail thin in order to be considered beautiful or valuable.

  6. 4:11: yes, you're so right. my boyfriend doesn't even fuck me anymore. he just jerks off to pictures of julia allison ingesting cupcakes. go fuck yourself.

  7. 4:11

    You seem like a cruel and terrible person. GTFO.

  8. sorry, there were two 4:11s: one reasonable, and one a flame starting asshole. my previous comment was intended for the meaner one which apparently was deleted. apologies.

  9. So this is the thing. JA will mow you down if you do not measure up on her sliding scale of categorization. She is a name-dropping, fame-whoring frivolous woman. To cut her slack for her wide booty, generous thighs, and self-admittedly horrid swollen knees may be polite but certainly misguided. GF has no use for all us nobodies and it does not concern her what we low-lifes say or think. It really is safe to speak the truth here, no worries bunny. XO

  10. now i'll go hide away my hideous body which i should understandably shield from your eyes. also, i hear buffalo bill is back at it and i don't want to be starved to death for my skin.

  11. I think Ms. Entilted gets enough free passes.

  12. As 4:11 the 1st, I am happy to be known as the less "meaner one" :-) I guess I need to step it up. The night is young and there are lines yet to be crossed.

  13. except, i refuse to go into hiding until you dense fucking idiots reread what i wrote and really let it SINK THE FUCK IN. julia allison is deplorable for 10,000+ reasons, all of them making much more interesting snark than ridiculing her figure. the girl is no more than a size 8, and likely much smaller than that. that is NOT fat.

  14. 4:23 #2:

    Back the truck up, babe, you're insulting the wrong peeps.
    I think I speak for all in saying I don't consider myself a dense fucking idiot.

    Go home, I think I hear your mother calling.

  15. lol, I don't think anyone honestly ever calls her fat in the traditional sense of omg she's overweight slash borderline obese and this is a seeeerious issue. People poke at her weight because THEY KNOW she uses her looks to get ahead and that's her weak spot - although it's kinda hard when that's all you've got and you're failing miserably to maintain even that.. plus, she reads here. It's not about random observation as much as it is about sending her into a tizzy, at least sometimes. I'm pretty sure more than half the people commenting about JA's weight weigh significantly more than her. At the same time, they're anonymous people living their lives, not people wanting to be celebs (who, if you've ever read any tabloid EVER, get constant shit about the SLIGHTEST weight fluctuations) and throwing themselves upon the masses demanding not only to be admired/respected/envied, but PAID. Nope, sorry.. not happening (here, at least).

  16. it's laughable that you actually think RBNS commenters hold such power over julia allison.

  17. I think the problem is that "fat" is a relative term. Right now, I find Julia Allison's body type (note: not her waxy face or horrible personality) very attractive. Still, I am not going to defend her or comment positively on her looks since she is willing to do just about anything to shrink her figure. If she just embraced being a size 8 instead of embracing the Blueprint then this would be a completely different story.

  18. the weight criticism isolates RBNS readers who aren't a size 8. criticize the parts of her appearance she chooses to degrade (weird, botox-aged face, faux bangs, hilariously dated velour tracksuit, etc.) because those things are actually funny (and sad). talking about her gigantic size two thighs is retarded.

  19. I'm bigger than JA too, but the weight criticism doesn't bother me in the least.

    The issue isn't really whether or not JA is fat (she isn't), but whether no not her perception of herself matches reality (it doesn't). Like so many other things in her life, what JA believes about her looks is very far from what she actually looks like. That is why I think it's totally valid to criticize her appearance; I feel like the implied premise underlying all the body-snarking comments is "JA clearly believes she looks like a goddess but . . .".

    I'm okay with body-snarking any person who wears clothing 2 sizes too small (no matter what size that may be) and and prances around town like they are god's gift to eyes. I would never make a comment on any person's size, no matter how big, so long as said person didn't relentlessly push their parts toward the camera lens in search of validation.

  20. 4:11, the nasty body snark/AND slap at the Gays?? Stop being an idiot.

  21. Yes, sorry, gays love tits and pussy.

  22. Her ass is fat and I hear it's saggy.

  23. It's anon city here @RBNS...

    I wonder why that is?

  24. i am usually anti body snarking but in j*'s case i'll make an exception

    if ur basically a ho, u need to take care of the nerchandise, and pretending that it looks good when it doesn't is dissociative bordering on clinical

  25. 5:49PM

    Who the fuck cares. Even if you have a handle, you are still pretty much fucking anonymous.

  26. Wow, you know it's bad RANDI looks skinnier than JA! Poof on the loose, indeed!

  27. Oh and also 3:44 et all who get sandy in their vags' when we critique Poofy's expanding waste and thunder thighs...

    SOD OFF.

    It's a snark blog and we can comment on her weight it we please, if you don't enjoy reading that, too bad for you. It's not YOUR prerogative to tell us what we can and can't comment on, it's the owners/hosts of this distinguished website.

  28. "god's gift to eyes!"



  29. I think it should read "nerdchandise".

  30. Lulz you guys make my day!

  31. One of the biggest problems with the world today is eveyone takes everything so personally. The fucking "fat" comment wasn't about you (4:11) quit trying to turn someone elses words into a negative comment about yourself & you'll enjoy life a lot better. It's really not about you.

  32. Sorry, meant 3:44 not 4:11

  33. 5:49

    Not true, many handles have been identified, RBRBNS.

  34. it's laughable that you actually think RBNS commenters hold such power over julia allison.

    April 19, 2009 4:40 PM


    It's laughable that you think this site doesn't hold such power over Julia Allison. If you have been following here for any amount of time, she has changed her behavior, made videos private MINUTES after someone posts it here and done a number of other things that very obviously indicates she reads over here. She made a crazed middle of the night video directly addressing this blog and comments said here. Get a clue.

  35. the site holds power over her, no doubt, but it packs a harder punch when it zones in on things more interesting than her weight. plain and simple.

  36. I hadn't realized how short Randi Z is until I saw this photo. Seriously, if Julia Allison is only 5'4" on a good day, how tiny is Randi? 4'8"?

  37. Julia's Thunder ThighsApril 20, 2009 at 8:12 AM

    And how would you know that, 10:44? Sod off. We can talk about her thunder thighs all day if we want. Please stop trying to control commenting here!

    Hey Julia - want to put this argument to rest? POST A PRESENT DAY PICTURE OF YOURSELF IN A BIKINI.
