Monday, April 27, 2009

She poof, I back

As a comparison, here’s me, the fall of my senior year.
With my 5 year college reunion coming up at the end of May, I had to get back in touch with my undergrad side. ;) hahahaha

So many sorries, peoples. I have been SO. BUSY. LATELY.

I am ask to speak at University of Pereslavl-Zalessky to give presentation about headbands and cupcakes (the art of which I perfect here in my homeland by studying Poofy from afar).

You be happy to know that presentation was major success. I present Power Point presentashe in which I show my cow Krystal as the new member of my Omskcasting team, and the peoples applaud mightily.

In the meantime, it appear that Yulia lose her mind in Boston and then post pics of her previous life in Georgetown, where she go for four full years (hahahahahaha).

I love being back on college campus. Don't you?

Oh! I also fellate three sophomores last night. FUN TIMES!!!!!!!


  1. Do you think she does this stuff for attention?

  2. No. No I do think she does this.

    (I go shoot myself with pistol in mouth in proper Russian form now.)

    Good night!

  3. I meant, Yes. Yes. I do.

    (I try to be ironic before and fail -- VODKA).

    Anyway. More vodka. Pistol. G'night!

  4. I didn't know that "Georgetown Experience" was code for a MFMM four-way. Time to go update the urban dictionary...

  5. “Stereotypes are seen as a necessary mechanism for making sense of information.”

    "Word of the day! Try to limit your intransigence today. ;) Intransigence: Unwilling or refusing to change one's view or to agree about something."

    Got something on your mind Poofy? Careful, your insecurities are showing.

    PS. In your mind that photo is proof of your desirability. In reality, it's a little embarrasing.

  6. Someday, at Georgetown, in bronze, there will be a statue of that photo in the rotunda of Baugher Hall.

  7. With a latin inscription like: "Magis sex commodo"

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. ILikeGivingHeadUnlikeYuliaApril 27, 2009 at 2:59 AM

    Russian Girl - Can you please spill on the fellatio? Not all of us ladies here are getting laid (or are stuck with men who don't even simultaneous orgasms are possible!) and must live vicariously through hot young women from Omsk who make endearing typos.

    Did you go one at a time, or all in one? Inquiring minds want to know! Either or, it sounds dreamy.

  10. ILikeGivingHeadUnlikeYuliaApril 27, 2009 at 3:01 AM

    *who don't even BELIEVE..*

    I apologize. Distracted by thoughts of three-way college fellatio.

  11. of all the photos she has why this one?

  12. i mean, she must have a photo of just her, why would she use one like this?

  13. Someone should turn photo that into a mock DVD cover: 'Girls Gone Wild: Washington D.C.'

  14. I know this picture is supposed to show me how cool, popular and in demand she was back in her Georgetown days, but all I see is a girl surrounded by sleazy looking guys with a styling gel habit. The world seen through Julia-Goggles must be quite a marvellous place...

  15. @3:31 am - a photo of just her? That's rich. Even if such a thing exists, why post it when she can post one with all of her adoring fans?

  16. Someone should turn photo that into a mock DVD cover: 'Girls Gone Wild: Washington D.C.'More like: 'Cougars Gone Wild: Washington, D.C."

  17. I'd be so proud of a photo of me being mauled by three sleazeballs, two of whom make Spencer Pratt look classy.

  18. Do you think Georgetown Douchebags was an officially recognized student group or was this just an informal gathering?

  19. Dirty Lake MichiganApril 27, 2009 at 7:03 AM

    Oh my God!
    This girl/woman is so deeply, deeply troubled.

  20. Yes I actually own the domain

    5 gazillion dollars anyone?

  21. I don't know if this has been pointed out above or not, but Yulia should really note the meaning of intransigence as it relates to herself.

  22. Ethel, what's sad is she has reposted that particular tweet about 20 times over the last week. I'm not sure who she is trying to impress, but it's really retarded.

  23. Wow, a still from Gangbang of the Living Dead.

  24. Yep. That looks to be about right in terms of the kind of friends I would have expected her to have in college. Nice fucking hairdo's assholes.
