Monday, April 20, 2009

Tweets of Weirdness

randizuckerberg: Scheming in the facebook cafe with @juliaallison @davemorin @meghanasha about NonSociety on Facebookabout 2 hours ago from TwitterBerry


  1. even the colossus that is Facebook can't save the tired empty shell that is NonSociety.

  2. They have a Nonsociety page on FB and it has like, 50 fans. No amount of Suckermagic is going to make people like them.

  3. Ugh, can't we put a fork in this project yet? Really, these girls have more lives than a cat. In stead of conducting this charade, why doesn't Randi just give Julia a pile of money - problem solved!

  4. BB!

    THAT is exactly the point. No matter what they do, how the redesign or what new outlets they have (ahem...back seats of taxis), they will never be likable.

    Not a chance.

    They will continue to be fodder here, on Baugher, trainwrecks and conferences from Sebastopole to Omsk, but they will never be likable.

  5. I think Randi is on to the unemployed JA fishing for a FB postion so she is understandably looking to dodge a bullet.

  6. Could be Facebook Connect, but NonEntity doesn't have registered users to connect...and won't.

  7. Julia said in her Wired follow up letter thanking the editor for putting her on the cover that an offer to work in Marketing at FB was on the table. Wonder why she wouldn't just jump on that??

    Because Randi might actually expect her to work?? nah. she is incapable of thinking about anything other than herself 24/7.

  8. 10:07, Julia says a lot of things, without regard to whether they are demonstrably false.

    Julia can only market Julia, and look how well that's turned out for her. Unemployed, calls her blog her business, and has more detractors than readers.

  9. I keep thinking of those four bozos chatting it up over frozen yogurt (per jules twitter) in the Facebook cafeteria. What really puzzles me, is what Asha adds to the entire conversation. Julia is obviously wildly braying and flapping her arms and talking about privacy vs. need to move nonsociety in a more "social direction." She learned that at the Foo Camp, this year.

  10. Little known fact: Julia Allison knows Mark Zuckerberg's sister.

  11. This one made me laugh!

    queenalice @juliaallison You are not in tech, moron. You are a vanity blogger. #swfoo
    8:58 PM April 20th from web

  12. This is hilarious and I'm not sure if anyone has posted it here yet. Brittany Bohnet blogged about a convo with Julia.

    Julia: I guess I should download the Facebook app. It's about time I joined the 20th century.
    Me: You mean the 21st century?
    Julia: Right, that's what I meant.

  13. The name-dropping, it's contagious!

  14. hahahahahahahahaha!!!!

    @queenalice: Julia Allison as a corndog in a tutu.

  15. Is partypants tipping RBNS about her tweets?

  16. @ohjessicamarie: I think it's quite telling that most of Julia Allison's favorite tweets are her own:

  17. 12:34AM - no, that was me, a regular RBNS reader. I just thought the photo was really funny.

  18. "No amount of Suckermagic is going to make people like them."

    So, so true BB.

  19. I can't believe she favorited her own tweets. It would never have even occurred to me to use the favorites features like that much less to have like 99.9% of my favorites be my own writing. I've long known that she's self obsessed but this surprised even me.

  20. OK I AM SORRY but this Shira Lazar must be on crack to write this:

    and 2.30, I totally thought the same thing. Who the fuck makes their own tweets favourites.


  21. Can someone reply "What coverage?" to that. What, photos of her in her Slanket? Great coverage.

  22. Cupcakegrifter, it's not as if Shira Lazar will ever be mistaken for a professor. Or even anyone with a brain.

    She's in that nexus of entertainment "reporter" bimbos who are nearing 30, but have the brains and maturity of teens.

  23. Last week there was an item about Facebook putting nonsosiety and a ocuple other site son their "recommendations" list that go out to everyone.
    That's what she's hoping. That her relationship with Randi Z can get facebook to jam ns down people's throats. Just like her relationship with that creepy-looking david karp got him to throw people off tumblr who reblogged her critically. She doesn't want to change the media pardihgm. She just wants her and her friends to control it.

  24. "She doesn't want to change the media pardihgm. She just wants her and her friends to control it."

    Nail. On. Head.

  25. Julia's filthy tracksuitApril 21, 2009 at 2:08 PM

    Julia Allison can bully her well connected friends into shoving Nonsociety down people's throats all day long but in the end it accomplishes NOTHING. NO ONE wants to read her drivel or see blurry pictures of her in a fucking slanket. She's no longer this new media ingenue she was a year or so ago... she's a chubby nobody that no one really cares about or cares to hear about or learn about. The end.

  26. Also, how idiotic did she look in those several pics sucking on that lollypop(or was it a popsicle) while drenched in a slanket?!
    Julia, that sort of pic is still cute when you're age 5 or less, otherwise you look like a tard.
    (Of course, most of her recent photos make her look like a tard anyway)

    She's such the sad little social climber/head cheerleader wannabe, trying to control everyone she deems beneath her.
