Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I. Told. You. So.

Here she is, our modern day Faerie Queene personified. TAKE THAT, HATERS!


  1. JULIA'S OLD NOSEMay 5, 2009 at 1:20 PM

    Thanks you, dear friends for finding the archives juliabaugher.com! It has been way too long since I have made an appearance. I don't know why Julia Allison Baugher had to take the knife to me. That was not a very nice thing to do! Here are some pictures if you would like to see me before Julia Allison Baugher used her $10,000 graduation gift to slice and dice me.



  3. http://web.archive.org/web/20040413202241/juliabaugher.com/images/Lilly_sitting.jpg

    lily was so cute!!!!!!!!

    ok enuf gushing. JA is still a tool. lol

  4. So I take it the scary penciled-in eyebrows are not a new part of Julia Baugher's beauty regimen?

  5. Julia Allison's college roommate CD = Cailleach De Weingart-Ryan

  6. 1:23

    Not a big fan of the faerie either.

  7. Ha ha. This is from an archive link.
    Q&A with Bob Levey
    Bob Levey
    Washington Post Columnist
    Friday, October 10, 2003; Noon ET
    (NOTE THE DATE PEOPLE: Almost 6 years ago!!!)
    Bob Levey: "Re your column about Boxers or Briefs. Would you really select (or avoid) a man based on which undies he proves to be wearing? This would seem to make zero difference, whether we're talkin' hook-up or 35-year marriage."
    Julia Baugher: "It would seem to make zero difference, but ummm ... it does. Turnoffs are turnoffs! And yes, briefs are a turnoff."

    Fast forward to TMI, what, one week ago?! OMG!! Boxers or briefs!!??? Crikey! It wasn't an original idea those long six years ago. and. well...

    Sad. :(

  8. i read that too and thought the same thing. i also thought, if she can't understand what's hot about briefs on a nicely-sculpted ass, then that's HER loss.

  9. ms. bojankles, the skinny, ugly, pasty white tech nerds that Julia Allison usually pursues are not known for their nicely-sculpted asses. Remember: she doesn't date men for their looks. Just their money.

  10. She's obviously never seen a fine male ass covered in a lovely pair of boxer-briefs. Maybe then she'll finally change her tune.

    As for those younger Julia pics, HOLY NOSEJOB!!!
    I must say though, she looks hella better after getting that original shnozz shaved off. I've got nothing against nosejobs as long as they're subtle/natural and actually enhance the subject's face, as hers obviously is.
    I dunno about her boobs though...they look noticably bigger now, and not just due to weight gain; they looked bigger when she was at her thinnest a year or so ago too. Hmmmm...

    Also, nice chola brows there, chica.

  11. or briefs on a cute dweeby guy with a cute ass. bitch is dumb.

  12. JULIA'S NEW NOSEMay 5, 2009 at 2:03 PM

    SHUT IT, Old Nose! If you keep criticizing me and bringing up the past I will CUT A BITCH!!!! New Nose is here to stay, and so are my two best friends, veneers and Botox. Julia's parents had to make an investment in their daughter's FUTURE okay??? I mean, just look how awesome I look here with my friends:


  13. FormerGawkerEmployeeMay 5, 2009 at 2:04 PM

    I AM a fan of the faerie so please ignore my impostor.

  14. I wonder how filming 1000 episodes of that TMI crap goes today that the pink Douchess is having a lovers' tiff with the internet.

  15. she should do a lunch.com post about her PLASTIC SURGEON! great nosejob!!


  16. Shut up old noses. At least you get a finger up you occasionally.

  17. this pic belongs on the website of a high-priced escort.


    body shot with the face partially obscured? SO CLASSY

  18. This makes me remember something that Jack the Bulldog said in a prior post about how her college site and how she would identify people as "friend, son of so and so."

    My favorite is how she names her trust-fund ex's FATHER in her bio. Wonder if this is how she narrates the story in her mind -- Megan, best friend, daughter of Father Parikh from Sun Microsystems ..."

  19. 2:20

    You mean like this?


  20. So does this picture of Julia Baugher pumping gas in a pink coat, mini skirt and plastic hooker boots belong on the website of a low-priced escort?


  21. 2:43

    It belongs in my nightmares.

  22. I think Mary is on a mini campaign to post some unflattering candids of Julia at their taping today -

    There are no pictures on Julia's blog and Meghan has one posed picture and another candid one where she crops out Julia entirely!

  23. Oh man, that girl Sarah M. in the pictures must be a friend of hers from the IU days. SM is notorious on the Hill for her love of Botox (not speculation, I seriously had a conversation with the girl where she said she wanted her forehead to "look like a skating pond")). She is like JA without the self-promotion skills. Same entitlement, same faking of old money, same gold digging. Sad. (Though at least the girl is up front about what she's all about).

    Makes sense that she and JA would have been buds in '03.

  24. That said, Lilly was freaking cute as hell back then. (And still is, but I mean, really really cute as a puppy.)

  25. Either that, Wrinkles or Dignity, or they would have killed each other in an epic catfight. That would have been fun. Pink carnage, all over the place.

  26. Oh wow - just checked Facebook, indeed SM and JA were Delta Gammas at Indiana University. They were probably pledge sisters. It makes so. much. sense.

    I will now always think of her as the Southern Republican JA. Oh dear god.

  27. Who cares about Julia's old friends when there is so much OLD NOSE to gawk at. Holy crap, it's like Julia Baugher got an entirely new face when she left Georgetown.

  28. so what happens if ever7y RBNS reader DM tweets JUlia?

  29. Parents give Julia Baugher $10,000 graduation gift.

    Julia slowly morphs into having entirely new face.

    Not a coincidence.

  30. I don't think Mary is intentionally posting unflattering pics. I think she enjoys photos that show personality, and doesn't think about whether the subject looks perfect or not.

  31. I think she looked better with the old nose and teeth. She had more character and now she looks kinda generic. What do you folks think?

  32. honestly, her nose job was sometime during college, not after. hi julia

  33. Oh Jesus! I just clicked the image for full size effect. There Jackles Allison Baugher in all her glory: Pre boob job, nose job, be-push-up-bra-ed, pink-eyelash-ed, red-eyed and tantalizing my taste buds for trash like malt vinegar on poutine.

  34. Old face, new face - she's ugly on the inside and that oozes out of every oily pore and clogged hair follicle. Her sleazy personality overpowers whatever looks she has or used to have.

  35. Is she fucking retarded? Not kidding, like a mongoloid?

  36. http://twitter.com/juliaallison/status/1709065953

    Because I am so fun! and funny! and nice! and happy! look out world! I'm as fresh as a carton of month old milk!

  37. Loren has a new video up..


  38. Most of those pictures are from her first year at Georgetown not IU.
    I think she looks cute, natural, and normal. The darker hair, eye brows, heavy makeup, and plastic surgery really wonked up her face.

  39. "This person has protected their updates.

    You need to send a request before you can start following this person."

    Uh....wtf julia?

  40. is that all julia accounts or just the mainone?

  41. I've been blocked since this morning but I assume it was just me and a few others ;-)

  42. seriously wtf kind of passive aggressive Jessica Wakefield age group shit is that?

  43. Jing, I like the old nose, smaller boobs and real face much better too. But fuck me that outfit and those eyelashes.

    She looks all kinds of broke down trash --- based entirely on her clothing.

    I was alive in 2003 and the styles aren't that far off from today's. Girlfriend dresses like a tacky suburban high school student wants to be a slut so just pretends.

    So, so, so tacky. As always, but slightly worse.

  44. her twitter is still unlocked for me. you're so special, pp! ;)

  45. TJ I am not blocked :)

  46. Julia Allison's twitter account is still public - you're probably blocked as a specific user.

    But really... don't take her so seriously! She's just having fun! She's SO SO HAPPY. AND CAN'T STOP LAUGHING!!! HA HA!!! SO SO HAAPPPEEEEE!!!!!!

  47. Look, she probably blocked the ones she knows to be not members of the Julia fanclub to teach you a lesson something like you need her more than she does blablabla.
    The twitter underground railroad will still deliver precious tweets, though :)

  48. twitter underground railroad!

    ironic slanket, I think I'm in love with you. would you like to go on a date? I'm available after 10pm.

  49. But I don't want to miss such epic tweets as

    "My wajyna - SMOOTH.AS.FUCK.PEOPLE."


    I mean, how can I live my life without these updates???

  50. Why, 4:05, 10pm is perfect for a tea.
    Might be running a tad late, though. Am.SO.BUSY (and need to find a dog sitter first).

  51. Julia ALWAYS cycles back up to being SO SO HAPPY, LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY, SOOO HAPPY!!!! after one of her meltdowns. So predictable. She got slammed by NY Magazine and then by some twitters and she flipped out over the slightest amount of criticism. She is incredibly insecure and has THE most fragile ego, and just sticks her head in the sand rather than dealing with her issues with criticism. It's going to blow up in her face one day, in a very bad way. For someone so hell bent on being a celebrity, she never has learned lesson one: grow a thick skin.

  52. I think you're blocked individually by her. I was surprised she used twitter since she can't control others' comments about her but I guess the chance to broadcast her cute and brilliants thoughts was too tempting and outweighed the criticism. Now apparently she's had enough of the criticism and is probably trying to block anyone who says anything negative about her. Not surprising coming from a self proclaimd new media proponent who doesn't even have commenting allowed on her site and who regularly deletes every negative comment about her that she can. Anyone who does want to still read her tweets could always read her from one account and comment from another, since I assume it's fine to have more than one account on twitter since twitter staff themselves apparently set up a second account for julia.

  53. Jessica Wakefield. Nice SVH reference. However, isn't this whole blog SVH status? Why should JA be any different?

  54. Why the fuck would she block me? Who the hell am I, I'm a total nobody! Why would she care if I read and lol at her?

  55. ironic slanket: if you're not putting out, it's over. I said 10pm for a reason.

    just kidding! I am so happy! bring the poop machine with you!

  56. She blocked me, too. Meh. Can still see her when I'm logged out entirely.

    She's on heavy damage control. What she doesn't realize is she needs to change HERSELF.

  57. omg twitter blocking? julia, fuck off. That's gayer than Liberace riding a unicorn over a rainbow holding a basket of dicks.

  58. What a cunty move. Blocking critical voices is standard Julia Allison MO.

    Let's review:
    1. doesn't allow commenting on her blog
    2. routinely deleted negative comments on QotD, before taking it down completely
    3. Taking down tumblrs from her former intern and other critical tumblrs
    4. deleting negative comments on her Facebook fan page
    5. blocking twitterers who criticize her
    6. blocking IP addresses of those she believes are critical of her
    7. bullying flickr users into deleting unflattering photos of her, even though they are THIER photos and they have every right to post them
    8. DMing critical twitters and passive aggressively scolding them
    9. flying into a rage whenever someone criticizes her in a space that she doesn't control (the Owen Thomas "cunt" email)

    Julia? All of the above is why people hate you. But you're just LA LA LA, I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!

    If she can't see the negative stuff, it's not true! Except for it is. And only made worse by her pathetic attempts to police the entire internet.

  59. Now taking bets on how soon Julia Allison posts another late night "WAAAAH, why don't you like MEEEEEE????" meltdown video.

  60. First facebook-fan-raped than twitter blocked and all in a couple of days. This is so schizophrenically delicious that I'm lost for words. You go, Baugher!

  61. Haha.... she is blocking people from here?

    Keep at it, RBNS people! Clearly, we're getting to her. So funny, she is completely breaking down. The passive-aggressive tweets, the direct messages to "haterz"...

  62. Internet Smack-DownMay 5, 2009 at 4:42 PM

    pnut415: @juliaallison are you not familiar with sarcasm/satire? "MACHINE of happiness & non-sickening POSITIVITY"? yeah, he's making fun of you.

  63. Exactly, pantytheif. And her behavior is even worse when you consider that she portrays herself as a journalist and new-media advocate even though she displays pretty much the opposite behavior and values of what you'd expect from those two types of people.

    I am of the "I may not agree with you but I agree with your right to say it" mindset and I am disgusted by her silencing of opinions and facts that she thinks make her look bad or don't fit with the image she tries to create, especially when the criticisms and facts are not ad hominem attacks or below the belt comments.

    It seems like she tries to portray a I'm so cute and happy and in on the joke image in public but then lashes out in private, like with the "cunt" comment to Owen from Gawker or private scolding Dms to twitter users.

    If it were me who got private scolding DMs or emails from her I would make them public and expose her for who she is not who she works so hard to try to make others belive her to be.

    People who say she doesn't work hard? Think again. Controlling her image seems to be a fulltime job for her. No wonder she so often complains of exhaustion.

  64. FormerGawkerEmployeeMay 5, 2009 at 4:49 PM

    Ironicslanket: Facebook Fan-Raped is the funniest thing I've read all day.

    I am in there under a totally random name and she can't block me unless she goes through all her thousands of followers and deletes anyone she's never heard of. Which is almost all of them. What a fool.

  65. Haha, blocking people on Twitter. That'll work. It's not like there's Twitter search engines or anything.
    There are a couple of majorly unflattering snaps of Toolia on Mary's site from the TMI tapings.
    She looks like some dough faced wonk eyed extra from the filming of "The Preppy Handbook - Where Are They Now?"

  66. I checked to see if I was blocked on twitter, no such luck. I did, however, notice that she will take two Excedrin to stay awake after not sleeping, but she won't even consider taking two Tylenol PMs to fall asleep, because she "doesn't even take ibuprofen". I think she uses the insomnia as an excuse for her inattention to her "business", and to explain away her manic states.

  67. This was in an old thread but it's worth bringing up again - dozens of Julia's "followers" are fake twitter accounts where she is the only person they are following and they have no updates. So in addition to blocking people that dare say negative things to her, Julia also creates fake twitter accounts to boost her "following" numbers - sort of like how she boosted her Facebook fans.

    It must really be SOUL CRUSHING hard work to be so unpopular and unliked that you have to manufacture fans.

  68. Some Problems-

    Agree x 1,000 on the clothing. She dressed very mid 90s in 2003. I don't remember anyone dressing like that in in 03'.

  69. It pisses me off that they almost never give photo credits except when it's themselves or their friends and that they post copyrighted images with no source credit and almost certainly from what I can see without having purcahsed the rights.

    Meghan posted a cartoon that still has the copyright info and purchasing directions on it, that looks to have been just copied and not purchased.

    it's so ugly how they seem to feel above following laws and respecting other people's rights and original creations. of course they have no comments enabled so you can't even call them on it or question them about it on their site. which is EXACTLY why they don't have comments enabled.

  70. BTW, I was blocked for no reason. I direct messaged her about something NS related and wrote one sorta snarky comment but nothing like the slams she gets on a daily basis. My comments were not even mean by my standards and I publically twittered her name twice. PG rated on the scale of meanness. Wierdola.

  71. Julia Allison is completely stuck in high school in nearly every aspect of her life: her clothing tastes, maturity, ideas about men and sexuality... I could go on. She is completely stunted and has not evolved at all.

  72. Jing
    what is your twitter name, if you don't mind sharing?

  73. Total Jing - don't feel like you have to give your twitter name if you don't want to - its OK to stay totally anonymous here. Probably someone just trying to rat you out.

  74. Julia Allison is still at it - trying to work Blue Print Cleanse into every TMI photo she can -

    GIVE IT UP! If gaining weight and looking bloated, tired, wan and five years older than your true age is the result of a cleanse diet, then no thanks.

  75. BTW, someone posted the Jakob and Julia link on the twitter entry below and that website is hysterical. I'd never read it before!

  76. Total Jing...

    I was the one who posted the link. I think the best parts were deleted by Jankles. However, there are still some VERY good posts on here:


    Here's Jankles final post:


    Hello there. As of February 14, 2008, I’ve deleted the majority of content on this site - well, technically, I’ve just made the posts private. Which is what they should have been in the first place.

    It’s always humbling to realize you’ve made an enormous mistake, but I know that, at the very least, my public relationship struggles in the last seven months made others feel less alone. They certainly taught me quite a lesson … just not the lesson I thought I would learn.

    Good luck to you all.


    Posted by julia"

  77. Here's my favorite jakob and julia entry:

    Julia’s favorite pictures of me are ones where I’m speaking to a crowd. They turn her on. One of her biggest turn-offs is Mark Zuckerberg. I can’t figure out exactly why, though she did meet him years ago and I guess he grossed her out directly. The man definitely has a weak handshake.

    Anyway, I wonder what she thinks of this photo of a spiffed-up Zuck. He’s wearing cool clothes and appears to be competently explaining something to crowd of people who are probably interesting, because he is in a special presentation room with mood lighting and no stage.

    Posted by jakob

  78. see above.

    she hated zucks until he made something out of himself.

  79. Julia Allison has admitted she doesn't date men for their looks. But she left off the caveat - she dates them for their money. Do you really think she's give nerdy fugs like Jacob the time of day if they were assistant managers at the Wimette Best Buy? Money and "power" from being a webrepreneur = attractive in Julia's eyes.

  80. Exactly BB, she's pretty transparently all about the $$$ or connections.

  81. Everything -- friendships, men, dating -- is a strategic relationship for Julia. She only wants to befriend/date/get to know someone if she can get something out of it to benefit herself. This is why she ultimately has no real friends and will end up alone and never fulfill her dream of getting married. None of her "friends" are true friends, nor do they care enough about her to pull her aside and tell her she has some serious unaddressed emotional issues -- that is why she keeps behaving in the reprehensible way that she does.

  82. She's too fucked up and childish to make it as a gold digger. Her looks ain't Monique-Lhuillier-wearing arm candy level either. She's still got a couple of years to snare herself a divorced suburban dentist, though, if she goes easy on the cupcakes.

  83. I'm now mysteriously unblocked from Julia's twitter. pp---see if you are too!

  84. Jack the BulldogMay 5, 2009 at 6:02 PM

    Just looked at what's left of the original Julia Baugher blog and got a chuckle from the closing lines of her bio:

    "Although she has dated medical students, law students, a CIA agent, and of course, a Congressman, Baugher is currently single, having just broken up with a fellow Georgetown student, the son of investment billionaire Sir Michael Fay of New Zealand."

    Thanks for letting us know, Julia, that the guy you just broke up with, a real tool BTW, is the "son of an investment billionaire." Tacky. Gauche. The epitome of white trash on the prowl. And nothing has changed. Robin and Dad Revenue must be so proud!

  85. marcoarment: JFA's dog shat in our office.

    Marco is the lead developer at Tumblr. I'm guessing 'JFA' is 'Julia Fucking Allison'?

    God, Jankles, you are a RUDE FUCKING PIG.

  86. That bio is hilarious because she's trying to prove she's something only through who she's dated. I couldn't imagine writing a bio with all my past boyfriends listed.

  87. Wow. I go to work for nine hours and come home to this? RBNS is a gem. Never knew about it until today. Julia Allisin Baugher is so, so tired. Glad I could contribute!

  88. theanonwhoaskedTJabouthertwitternameMay 5, 2009 at 6:38 PM

    please chill with the baseless accusations of other commeners. as an outspoken and intelligent adult I think total jing knows she can or cannot reveal her twitter name as she wishes.

    as you notice i also asked her to reveal the name "if [she doesn't] mind." so implicit in the request was the invitation to feel free to not reveal it, althogh that's really even goes without saying obviously and was just a way of adding "no pressure" to the request.

    i am not a "rat" but maybe you are a touch paranoid? i enjoy this site but it does tend to have that effect on some people.

  89. No, no, no! You've got it all wrong. Julia doesn't chase rich guys, but guys who are PASSIONATE about what they do. It's not her fault they all happen to be Wall Streeters and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs. I mean, who's ever heard of a teacher or social worker or artist who's genuinely engaged by his work?

    I'm sure if she met a nice landscaper who loved his job, she'd date him in a second!

  90. @ the one who asked

    I wasn't offended by your question. I would be curious too.

  91. And i'm sure if she ate a box of crayons she'd shit rainbows.

  92. @partypants


  93. Thanks Total Jing.

  94. remember all the requests for interns/unpaid (non-paid?) overworked interns???

    they were violating this:

