Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What A Difference A Year Makes

From Wired to Shilling for Shamu. But we all knew Wired was her peak. Denial is a real killer (whale). Sniff.


  1. She has no idea how this stuff ruins one's credibility. She can say, "it's a new model or paradigm!!" all she wants and equate it to product features in magazines where the manufactueres are advertisers until she's blue in the face. It's different. It's dishonet and it's serving two masters at once. And it's cheesy and everyone can see through it.

    This is a huge branding mistake. It's like biting into a delicious Reese's Peanut Butter Cup and finding they've replaced their traditional all natural peanut butter with imitation peanut butter. Except that would never happen. Because Reese's uses all natrural, American made peanut butter - they always have!! And always will!

  2. The above comment brought to you by Reese's Peanut Butter cups. Now gimme my $5 for my blog mention!!!

  3. Here's the problem Julia (which you probably already should know:
    People assume when you are paid to write about a product by that product, you will write something posiitve no matter what.

    Your insistence that you may not NECCESARILY write positve raises two question: how many more paid assignments do you think you'll get if sponors see you as an iffy proposition? I mean, they're paying form their advertising and promotion budgets. SO why would they pay for a roll of the dice? (Julia, the answer is they won't, by the way)

    And so, if you don't care about getting more assignments, if your integrity is too strong to compromise yourself and be a paid flak for products you don't use/like, the final question is: why do it all?

    You weren't thinking of going to Sea World befor ethey called. Amusement parks aren't one of your area sof interest. If you're not doing paid blogging for the money, why do it?

  4. ^^^ above should be flatface, not "fla". Something's wonky with the RBNS name field thingie... Won't let me type as many characters

  5. Maybe she can find a waitressing gig in Orlando.

  6. If she was paid to blog about cosmetics or fashion it would kind of make sense for her.

    But a roller coaster? In Sea World? Does not compute.

  7. Okay, let's think about what Julia had to work with:
    - Supportive, connected, wealthy family
    - Attractiveness (anyone who claims Julia wasn't attractive one year ago is just searching for a reason to dislike her -- Julia was a pretty girl, period)
    - Two best friends on board to do whatever she dictated
    - Friends in the media and new media
    - Reasonable life goals of making an "alternative" living until marrying some rich dude (like half of NY girls don't want this)

    And now look at her. She has EPICALLY blown it. It is fucking shocking how, with so many advantages, she has managed to become such an enormous failure.

    I mean, you actually have to put effort into screwing yourself over like that.

  8. Julia is angling for a new gig in the manatee tank. Why do you think she's been packing on the pounds lately? Sea World don't want no skinny manatees!

    * this mention of Sea World earns me $1.75.

  9. Dahling, you are spot on. She has nothing left and is scrambling to make ends meet. Going back on TV for tiny spots, hawking a roller coaster next to Shamu the whale...

    And, in light of Mary's disclosure that Julia is TRYING to change her ways, I conclude that Julia knows she ruined a bunch of stuff but doesn't know how/is too ill to fix it.

  10. Apparently Ted Murphy, CEO of IZEA, came to Julia's defense on Gawker:

    "9:29 AM

    I am the CEO of IZEA and I would like to clarify the arrangement with Julia.

    SeaWorld is not paying Julia or any other blogger to attend the media event this weekend. The participating bloggers are receiving airfare and hotel, the same as their mainstream media counterparts.

    Julia has been hired by IZEA (not SeaWorld) outside of this event to provide consulting services. She will be working with me to share her insight and ideas on a variety of social media and marketing topics.

    Julia and the other bloggers attending this event are not required to blog, tweet or otherwise share their experience. They have not been told what to say or how to say it. The only requirement we make is they disclosure if they do decide share something with their audience. IZEA believes disclosure is important whenever there is a transfer of value whether that be cash, trips, tickets or product.

    This is our first engagement of any type with Julia. I believe she made an honest mistake."

    The reply by The One nails it:

    "@tedmurphy: The participating bloggers are receiving airfare and hotel, the same as their mainstream media counterparts.
    Aw, it's so cute that you're pretending that Julia and her ilk have anything in common with actual journalists!
    She will be working with me to share her insight and ideas on a variety of social media and marketing topics.
    Good luck with that, especially if it involves any topic other than herself.

    I believe she made an honest mistake.Good luck with that one, too!"

    Again, who hooked her up with them? Did they not do any research? I mean, if she single handedly brings down word of mouth marketing scum, she might indeed do some good for a change.

  11. Ted Murphy is as stupid as Julia Allison.

    1. free airfare and hotel IS a form of payment, a "transfer of value"
    2. "Her insight" ha ha ha ha ha.
    3. "The only requirement we make is they disclosure if they do decide share something with their audience." -- have yet to see that happen
    4. "IZEA believes disclosure is important whenever there is a transfer of value whether that be cash, trips, tickets or product." is a free trip a "transfer of value" or not?
    5. "This is our first engagement of any type with Julia. I believe she made an honest mistake." Honesty and Julia don't exactly go hand in hand. Do these companies not do the slightest bit of research? God. First... and last engagement of any type.

  12. julia says, in her IM chat with the gawker writer: "I can't take three days out of my week without receiving compensation for my time. IZEA is paying me for my time."

    ... but then the IZEA CEO says Julia IS NOT being paid, except in airfare and hotel.

    what a dolt

  13. Am I missing something, didn't Julia say she was waiting for a check to clear in her account re: payment. So, um, isn't there payment beyond hotel and airfare?

  14. Oh, I get it!! Seaworld is paying airfare and hotel. Izea is paying her for her time.

    "SeaWorld is not paying Julia or any other blogger to attend the media event this weekend. The participating bloggers are receiving airfare and hotel, the same as their mainstream media counterparts.

    Julia has been hired by IZEA (not SeaWorld) outside of this event to provide consulting services. She will be working with me to share her insight and ideas on a variety of social media and marketing topics."

  15. Hm, more relevant here I guess:

    This is another instance where I actually would have been impressed if she HAD been honest. "hey bunnies, times are tough for us all, including me. I have joined Izea for extra money. First assignment - a press junket at sea world! I'll be sure to let you in all the details of Media Manta day. Thanks to Izea for making this fun-sounding adventure possible!"

    etc. Why not just do that? Hell, times ARE tough all over, why not be honest about it? Beyond loling at how she has fallen from media darling, who could truly hate her for trying to make an HONEST buck?

  16. Heh, Ted Murphy/Izea done stepped in a fire-ant mound.

    What is amusing me this morning is the prospect of Our Gal About Town consorting with all the mommie bloggers who undoubtedly will make up the bulk of the "not-paid-except-by-transfer-of-value" attendees at the SEA WORLD!!! shindig.

    Oh, how I hope there is some equivalent of the Davos piano bar, so as to glimpse Julia Allison kicking up her New York heels with her new besties! THAT I would pay to see. Fingers crossed, bunnies.

  17. Exactly, PP. Again, I don't even care about her relationship with this company and as I noted one thread down, I'm not about to wish for her to be fired or write a complaint to the company.

    Times ARE tough. Julia, like many people, is taking employment opportunities she once felt were beneath her. Sure, her options would have been WAY better had she not ruined her relationships with those who could have potentially offered her more lucractive and respectable opportunities. She ruined them, though.

    Pick yourself off. Dust yourself off. And admit defeat graciously and be HONEST.

  18. Dyspeptic:

    I wonder if Julia will wear stone washed capris, an oversized Mickey Mouse T-Shirt, and a Seaworld "flare" necklace.

  19. Shamu is dead peoples,next JA will kill the Walrus in that Beatles song Koko achoo

  20. Nice advice TJ and PP, but Julia will NEVER follow it or admit her circumstances. She fails to disclose the details because the expose her for what she really is: a has been blogging bottom feeder that engages in pay for play, basically the lowest and least authentic form of blogging. It doesn't jive with her message of being a fabulous, connected, in-demand GAL ABOUT TOWN who blogs oh-so-honestly about her fabulous life because she is a serious JOURNALIST on the web 2.0 forefront. In reality? She is really a cheap shill and a desperate wannabe writer who can't write, so she has to go scrounging around for blog marketing scraps.

  21. Exactly, TJ. In this economy, what, we are all working the exact job we are deserving of/educated/experienced enough for? Hell we are doing things we wouldn't have done two years ago. Just admit it Julia!

  22. Shamulia, that may be, it's just a shame she can't come out and admit she fucked up her opportunities and IS doing bray for pay now. I dunno, I would just respect her on some level for that, and I'm sure a few people might even relate to her more for it.

    Whatever, Excuse me while I go wish in one hand and shit in the other, and I'll let you know which fills up first.

  23. I just did a search for Julia Allison at Izea and her name didn't come up. I thought I saw a link to her on the site before - anyone have that? So I wonder if she's been axed. If so, I have respect for Izea for recognizing the value of credibility.

  24. No, Barcelona, she's still there on their front page in the row of some featured bloggers.

  25. In that case, never mind.

  26. BRAY FOR PAY. pp I CAN'T.

  27. PP: Bray for pay! Most excellent turn of phrase.


  29. What's the deal with the constant auto-refreshing on pages with comments? This happening for anyone else?

  30. ^^ the auto refreshing is happening for me, too. Safari on a mac.

  31. No reputable MSM journalist takes junkets that include airfare and hotel room and then writes about it. In fact, most newspapers have very strict rules against that sort of thing. Both JA and the idiot Izea guy are retarded.

  32. BRAY FOR PAY! You sure can turn a phrase, pants.

  33. Let Izea CEO Ted Murphy know what you think of his company's "engagement" with social media kryptonite Julia Allison:

  34. PP

    Wrrrrrrooooooonnnnnnggggggg again!

    Carry on!

  35. Oh well, I was wrong then. Whatever, I'm only paid to show up.

  36. The braying donkey has landed and apparently loves spamming this site in her spare time. Julia, don't you have a swimsuit to stuff yourself fat self into? Lipdub practice? Lunch? Value to transfer?

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Uhm,

    we need a new post, jacy, something with faeries and a way to 'get' julia allison

  39. Dude,

    this is my blog.

  40. But if you want me to go away, I will...

    (teary-eyed walks away)

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Jacy
    You are having to delete alot today

  43. Someone said it a while ago and I will say it once more. All you ever needed to see was Julia on Gawker in a cheerleading outfit getting a ticket. That video shows what an annoying, entitled, unctuous, attention seeking zero she was/is/will ever be. And it was, like, years ago. If there is a potential BF, GF, friend, business associate, neighbor on public transit that can take her presence for ten consecutive seconds, she should marry them. Yes, she's that annoying. Are we learning anything new here?

  44. I think the tension between those of us who see "what an annoying, entitled, unctuous, attention seeking zero she was/is/will ever be" and those individuals who, inexplicably, find that exact same behavior "cute, endearing, etc." [see Gawker post for that particular video as an example] is part of what keeps the interest going, maybe?
